who said it was turning to the trumpThese type of tweets and thoughts are trick questions to turn us into some type of "Pro-American". As if being an "African" is like a revolutionary position.
Pan-Africanism in the USA, is always framed as American Blacks vs. the American Gov't (White people).
They take like the worst ideas from the 60s, like having a nation within a nation and this narrow Black nationalism and live by that. People don't talk about how the NOI did not allow of NOI members to vote or be a part of the political process at all - yet they'll clique with White nationalists to promote racial segregation and Black people having their own country. Malcolm X would preach but he never spoke voting or anything political until he left.
What is the point of being an adversary to the American gov't but you won't do anything to change. Why would intentionally take yourself out of the American body politic but all the problems you face is because you are out of the body politic?
It is stupid, too many ADOS people wanna put on this front like they are so opposed to the USA government, as if they are going to go somewhere else, as if Africa or whereever the fukk they think they are gonna go wants them. So while they are rejecting their birthright, everyone else is gladly taking every opportunity this country can give them.
Growing bitter and cold towards your nation is an appropriate reaction but becoming blindly cynical at any prospect of Black people having a prosperous life - leads you to doing stupid things. Like the NOI collaborating with Neo-Nazis and the KKK. Like the Liberian project. Like Martin Delany supporting the campaign of a confederate soldier running for office. Like the Atlanta Compromise.
We have historical evidence of the political choices that we make by being blindly cynical.
Which is why I would not wholeheartedly support - the ADOS movement turning to the Trump administration.

its strictly about only voting for a candidate with a black agenda
you typed all that up and its clear you did no research