
Dec 16, 2015
*Looks at bio*

*Sees "Colorism convict" and "Antionedroprule*

Lol ok I think we know what this broad is.

What's her ethnicity?


She isn't one of us. How you gonna say you don't fukk with lightskin Black women then get call us xenophobic?


Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
From H.R. 40 :


(a) Establishment.—There is established the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the “Commission”).

(b) Duties.—The Commission shall perform the following duties:

(1) Identify, compile and synthesize the relevant corpus of evidentiary documentation of the institution of slavery which existed within the United States and the colonies that became the United States from 1619 through 1865. The Commission’s documentation and examination shall include but not be limited to the facts related to—

(A) the capture and procurement of Africans;

(B) the transport of Africans to the United States and the colonies that became the United States for the purpose of enslavement, including their treatment during transport;

(C) the sale and acquisition of Africans as chattel property in interstate and intrastate commerce;

(D) the treatment of African slaves in the colonies and the United States, including the deprivation of their freedom, exploitation of their labor, and destruction of their culture, language, religion, and families; and

(E) the extensive denial of humanity, sexual abuse and the chatellization of persons.

(2) The role which the Federal and State governments of the United States supported the institution of slavery in constitutional and statutory provisions, including the extent to which such governments prevented, opposed, or restricted efforts of formerly enslaved Africans and their descendents to repatriate to their homeland.

(3) The Federal and State laws that discriminated against formerly enslaved Africans and their descendents who were deemed United States citizens from 1868 to the present.

(4) The other forms of discrimination in the public and private sectors against freed African slaves and their descendents who were deemed United States citizens from 1868 to the present, including redlining, educational funding discrepancies, and predatory financial practices.

(5) The lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) on living African-Americans and on society in the United States.

(6) Recommend appropriate ways to educate the American public of the Commission’s findings.

(7) Recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the Commission’s findings on the matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6). In making such recommendations, the Commission shall address among other issues, the following questions:

(A) How such recommendations comport with international standards of remedy for wrongs and injuries caused by the State, that include full reparations and special measures, as understood by various relevant international protocols, laws, and findings.

(B) How the Government of the United States will offer a formal apology on behalf of the people of the United States for the perpetration of gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants.

(C) How Federal laws and policies that continue to disproportionately and negatively affect African-Americans as a group, and those that purpetuate the lingering effects, materially and psycho-social, can be eliminated.

(D) How the injuries resulting from matters described in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) can be reversed and provide appropriate policies, programs, projects and recommendations for the purpose of reversing the injuries.

(E) How, in consideration of the Commission’s findings, any form of compensation to the descendants of enslaved African is calculated.

(F) What form of compensation should be awarded, through what instrumentalities and who should be eligible for such compensation.

(G) How, in consideration of the Commission’s findings, any other forms of rehabilitation or restitution to African descendants is warranted and what the form and scope of those measures should take.

(c) Report To Congress.—The Commission shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Congress not later than the date which is one year after the date of the first meeting of the Commission held pursuant to section 4(c).

From H.R. 1242:

(c) Duties.--The Commission shall--
(1) plan, develop, and carry out programs and activities
throughout the United States--
(A) appropriate for the commemoration;
(B) to recognize and highlight the resilience and
contributions of African-Americans since 1619;
(C) to acknowledge the impact that slavery and laws
that enforced racial discrimination had on the United
States; and
(D) to educate the public about--
(i) the arrival of Africans in the United
States; and
(ii) the contributions of African-Americans to
the United States;
(2) encourage civic, patriotic, historical, educational,
artistic, religious, economic, and other organizations
throughout the United States to organize and participate in
anniversary activities to expand understanding and appreciation
(A) the significance of the arrival of Africans in
the United States; and
(B) the contributions of African-Americans to the
United States;
(3) provide technical assistance to States, localities, and
nonprofit organizations to further the commemoration;
(4) <<NOTE: Coordination.>> coordinate and facilitate for
the public scholarly research on, publication about, and
interpretation of--
(A) the arrival of Africans in the United States;
(B) the contributions of African-Americans to the
United States;
(5) ensure that the commemoration provides a lasting legacy
and long-term public benefit by assisting in the development of
appropriate programs; and
(6) help ensure that the observances of the commemoration
are inclusive and appropriately recognize the experiences and

[[Page 131 STAT. 2250]]

heritage of all individuals present at the arrival of Africans
in the United States.

One is just a "Introduced" bill, One is a passed law:stopitslime:

Why are we waiting on Congress to consider studying reparations when we can do it now?

We're just sitting on our asses waiting for it to become real and we have the tools already to get the wheels turning

Nobody is going to just give you layups...if you want something GO GET IT. Period

Step One .Push these congresspeople to fund this :ufdup:



Dec 16, 2015
Honestly, the dems will get someone in the general election -- drop the reparations issue --we will be pissed and we will sit out.

We honestly, need to see if we can meet with Trump. fukk it.

I think the ballot and the bullet is super relevant to this issue. There has to be an or else option besides sitting the vote out. I am not saying do anything violent. But I am saying there should be a mass protest of some sorts. Not a peaceful one either.

I feel the movement is currently centered around electoral politics but it is actually educating us on what is necessary for us to live here. So we will not be just okay with Medicare for All or free college. So that we understand any concessions from Washington and Wall-street is gonna put Whites and everyone else that further ahead of us. In the grand scheme of things, a reparations bill and election does not matter because I don't believe that electoral politics and legislation is gonna get done.

The will for it to get passed by the American masses without some sort of demonstration is low. I was watching a popular left-wing YouTuber SecularTalks who discussed Bernie Sanders saying no to reparations, who pretty much said, I don't think Black people want reparations and that Bernie Sanders policies address Black issues. They don't even comprehend the political situation. White Americans, are realizing that they are losing wealth. They want a concession. Bernie Sanders and Social Democratic Movement that has become popular is the means to that concession. Bernie Sanders and his kind are no different than FDR. FDR knew that had to do something to prevent American Revolutionary War 2 because White people woke up one day and realized they were fukked. But FDR could not give Whites and Blacks the same fukking thing because White people would not accept that. So now White people are once again asking the USA government for a handout and this time they are like, "Yeah you can just give to everybody, it's whatever."

The ADOS Movement is saying, "Yeah that's nice but you who else for slavery and Jim Crow, you gonna need more than that. We need a complete restructuring of American society."

Guess what? Just like how Liberals ask Leftists how they are going to pay for Medicare for all. They ask us how they are gonna pay for reparations. All of a sudden, there's no money and it's hard to administrate. What if you got a White mom and a Black dad? What if you are a Halfrican? What are reparations? How can the USA government be responsible for something so long ago?

This is not just from White leftists but Black ones. Look at the comments.

Elections are just a consummation of the political work, it's not the work. It's kind of like sex. The real sexual attraction and activity starts way before the bedroom.

We are gonna have to get in the streets and fukk some shyt up. The peaceful Civil Rights Movement as propaganda. Black folks were fukking the streets up. Trained activists did all the peaceful protests, the masses of Black folks were fukking shyt up and actively resisting police brutality. We gonna need trained activists and we gonna need the masses who don't give a fukk about humming and singing. Some of us are gonna have to go jail. Some of us ain't gonna have a job. We need a sustained and open effort that advocates not simply a check or a set of policies, but a covenant between the American government and ADOS people. They can't treat us like they treat us anymore - we need a Black New Deal.

It's the Ballot or Else and everybody right now wants to see what the Else is and we are gonna have to give them the Else after 2020.