the next guy
They just hoed Cosby
that tall batch of cumber
So boyhood is gonna win? I was surprised to hear Grand Budahpest (sp) won over Birdman but I'm still rooting for Birdman
Damn I guess I gotta see it ASAP then. It's gonna be hard to top Birdman IMO for best picture, even tho my favorite is Top Five.
Damn I guess I gotta see it ASAP then. It's gonna be hard to top Birdman IMO for best picture, even tho my favorite is Top Five.
This is why you're the poster of the year!Man we should do our own Film Room Awards. Not to say that the academy or any other critics group won't get it right but it would be fun to see that. Plus we can get more categories that the academy doesn't recognize..:isthatall: @flyry @hexagram23 @cook what you think about that?