They have their own cadaver lab too, so it's not like they don't have human bones to use.Dope, my only complaint is those are raw hyde bones, not real bones
They have their own cadaver lab too, so it's not like they don't have human bones to use.
Anatomy Lab - Campus Experiences - NIU Department of Biological Sciences
Anatomy Lab - Facilities - Campus Experiences - NIU Department of Biological
Dope, my only complaint is those are raw hyde bones, not real bones
I meant it as a temporary thing, just for the picture to be taken. I know they can't keep them permanently.So when you donate your body to science it’s with the agreement everything gets sent back to the family, that’s how anatomy labs get their bodies, so no they can’t keep the bones to keep on the football wall
Cow femur from a butcherWell it’s not easy to come by actual bones, then what animal would they use? Plus eventually the bones would start to fall apart, chip ware down
@smitty22 look at Drop over here tryna play real doctor like he's not running rub n tugsSo when you donate your body to science it’s with the agreement everything gets sent back to the family, that’s how anatomy labs get their bodies, so no they can’t keep the bones to keep on the football wall
Honestly breh, I went to Eastern Michigan...I stay out the "my school is smarter than yours" conversationsA
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according to this list, its better than USC
Ol boy said, 'lemme get this inked before the USC game...'