If Carlos Beltran is a hall of famer, Jim Edmonds is a god.Beltran not a HOFer
Beltran is a goat
If Carlos Beltran is a hall of famer, Jim Edmonds is a god.Beltran not a HOFer
Beltran is a goat
How is he a meh defender? He won 3 gold glovesThe baseball Hall of Fame gets a lot of criticism for keeping guys out.
Next year it looks like Carlos Beltran might get elected. And I don't see why he is deserving.
He was never great. A good player, sure.
Longevity? Yeah ok.
But hall of famer seems outrageous to me.
An .837 career OPS?
A meh defender?
This is one instance where I think people are just looking at his WAR value and thinking "well, 70 WAR is in line with other HOFers"
You keep Bonds and Clemens but this guy could be elected? It's a bad joke.
If Carlos Beltran is a hall of famer, Jim Edmonds is a god.
If Carlos Beltran is a hall of famer, Jim Edmonds is a god.
Gold gloves?How is he a meh defender? He won 3 gold gloves
What a photo.
Up there like Bobby Shmurda's hat
I get why Edmonds didn't make the Hall but like I said about Lofton he deserved more time on the ballot.If Carlos Beltran is a hall of famer, Jim Edmonds is a god.
MLB could never be this fun