The OFFICIAL 2022 College Football RANDOM THOUGHTS thread


Apr 8, 2021
Schooling people takes forever; don't bother
some of these TV announcers who transitioned into the podcast game during weekday sucks ass...on tv, you have the visuals where we are more interested in what is going on screen than what these goofballs have to say. They are moreless narrating the obvious and saying some predicable shyt from the things that they are allowed to say on TV while starting some fake national debate to spark some rivalry uproar as their go-to attention seeker for generating some artificial PG-rated controversy/buzz that 'ESPN owned by Disney' allows. they are so predictable that you can play a football video game simulation of things that never happened before but these announcers still have their built-in script of lines they permutate thru that they might as well be replaced by amazon alexa or some shyt.

We used to have real reporters/journalists from erudite educational backgrounds like Bob Costas announcing for the olympics/big implication games and local sports announcers who made analogies to war and comparing rivals to historical enemies of the state when announcing these battlefield struggles of sports, but now the bar is set really low to basic vocabulary and knowledge to satisfy the everyman. once you become a sports announcer, you basically have infinite job security and anybody who used to play/coach in college can announce and broadcast for games. with the magic of tv delay, different camera angles and cinematics, those crazy 'extracurricular' activities, missed calls from biased refs, and gruesome injuries are often cut away from what the TV audience sees so the announcer doesn't even have to address it (*). they are less interesting than being under the influence while watching football and you can mostly tune them out, except for the rare occasion when they they say their true opinion during a controversial call replay for social media to repost that soundbite.

* Despite high definition and better cameras, we still see the field from the sidelines like the crowd does -- the XFL already extensively used the skycam to show who's open from the QB's field perspective since the 2000s, but football is still broadcasted from the sidelines so people would still pay tickets to fill up the stadium to boost the local economy. If the skycam is too good and you can get a better view from the comfort of your own home, why would the casual fan ever have to pay for the hidden fees, time, and effort spent of attending the game IRL? The players are really spread out on the field that the sideline camera operator don't capture who's open off the screen until the ball is thrown in that direction and the TV audience sometimes miss seeing who's wide open in the distance. The skycam is only used for critical TV replay angles for announcers to state who's open to show that the QB is making his reads correctly or incorrectly when distributing the ball or during kickoff returns. Only during the superbowl, playoffs, etc do we have custom channels where we get that skycam angle the whole game but I wish that we get skycam channels for regular college games more. The channel hosting the coaches' panel for when they are reacting to CFB playoff games are a toss up because some coaches are real quiet when intensively watching film in real time while others coaches lighten up might have some hilarious quips about them.

Podcasting, even when you see the people talking, is basically a form of radio. TV announcers have these booming voices that they use to talk above the crowd noise and they take these dramatic pauses for the play to unfold or hand-off to their partner to complete the next string of ideas. You can't take these dramatic pauses in radio to recover your voice or to think of your next train of thought -- you have to prepare your thoughts ahead of time, where sometimes it's unscripted to adhere to the exchange of ideas in the conversation, and it's more of a stream of consciousness that you freestyle your replies towards talking about what's really on your mind. You're the entertainer and you're supposed to have real strong opinions, taboo or not, and say the against-the-grain hot takes that are highly observational, connect-the-dots insightful, and attentive to detail with pattern recognition metaphors to paint the rich picture in the heads of those listening without using TV visuals as a crutch (which they totally can because they are hosted by ESPN).

The only few people from the national TV media who have good podcast presence is probably joel klatt (poignant), rich eisen (incorporates relatable grown-up life lesson anecdotes with humor/trolls people)...a bit of colin cowherd (he sometimes has good anecdotes of non-sports related topics but he tends to ride on a strong opinion that turns out to be wrong and doesn't do much research outside of gauging people based on likeability)...SAS is usually some fiery angry diatribe with SAT words or sometimes somber for something serious or non-opinion (SAS is more basketball than football and SAS just roots for alabama or anti-dallas cowboys because that's Skip's team without consideration for much of the other contenders)...there's too many other podcasters who talk to their audience like a cult regime and it's hard to understand the inside jokes for newcomers to understand wtf is going on. everybody on youtube have a podcast focused on something really specific and milk that content/fanbase for days without showing any versatility for other topics (and when they finally talk about other topics, they are sometimes talk out of pocket and then you realize how ignorant they are to everything else) that it's hard to find diamonds in the rough. some podcasters ended their series years ago when they couldn't get enough attention and they shouldn't have given up so early because they actually had knowledgeable content (they already said their great ideas when they had a small following, but ran out of great ideas once they got some attention). others take their podcast hustle and market themselves to a huge following with frat boy mentality, low IQ gimmicks, and sideshow bullshyt but really don't be saying anything at all because of their sponsorships or platform of what's acceptable to say or because they might lose followers when they say what's really on their mind

These TV announcers who transitioned into podcasting don't got it -- they need some personality without stating just facts and need to incorporate interesting life experiences/anecdotes to transition in and out of non-sports yet relatable knowledge bases to show a sign of multi-dimensionality and mileage for why people should even listen to them. Not only do they talk slow and take long pauses where the next guy fumbles the handoff not knowing if the previous guy took a long pause or is done with his statement, state the obvious babble, and are media trained to be self censoring of real opinionated ideas, they don't say anything remarkable for you to tune in. The only reason they are even recommended on youtube is because they upload their weekday podcast snippets on the same channel as their weekend game reel highlights...and whoever is in charge of editing those ESPN game highlights is terrible at capturing everything because other independent, demonetized channels do it better. but this is what we are dealing's almost like society is built to be inefficient or too specialized on purpose just to have every middleman get their cut of revenue to trickle down and pay for everyone's salaries (some more than others); otherwise, if society is too efficient, we would be chilling at home watching skycam footage be less dependent on fossil fuels, gimmicky insurance, fast food, and 'things that are overall bad for you that extracts money from you short term, long term, or eventually' to sponsor our sports during the commercials, etc.

you guys know me, i say some lengthy long paragraphs and move on to other shyt


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
@jensyao honestly a lot of the mainstream podcast i actually don’t listen to unless you count Bomani, and Andy Staples, the rest are underground like our podcast the Loic, Splitzone, and a few others because they aren’t tied down to carrying the water for inclusion


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
:martin: We don’t care, but to me the games that matter still matter, and the opposing argument assumes that teams won’t care, and the fans won’t watch, when we know that’s not true
Ask Alabama fans if that SEC Championship last season matters.

Ask LSU fans if there 2011 SEC Championship matter.

Had you guys beat Ohio State and then played them a few weeks later in Miami or Atlanta, etc. and got your cheeks clapped then “the game” last year means nothing.


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
Ask Alabama fans if that SEC Championship last season matters.

Ask LSU fans if there 2011 SEC Championship matter.

Had you guys beat Ohio State and then played them a few weeks later in Miami or Atlanta, etc. and got your cheeks clapped then “the game” last year means nothing.
Alabama and Lsu’s goal is nc or bust, they have been spoiled by past winning, so they don’t look at it as a journey, they literally plan their life around going to the sec chip though, they assume it’s automatic, another step before the nc. But again the viewer numbers are suggestive of they care

Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
That's true Alabamas goal is NC or bust but a small piece of me still likes racking up them SEC titles on the side. :scheme:

When you have 18 national titles and 6 in the last 10-15 years it don't sting as much.
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