Reply if your Power 5 team was wearing Russell Athletic a few years ago.
reply if your power 5 team was wearing under armor and still couldnt get to a BCS game or win its conference
Thank you for the reply.
Georgia Tech defeated Clemson, winning the Atlantic Coast Conference football championship, 39–34. However, Georgia Tech was forced to vacate the game victory and the conference title in 2011 due to sanctions stemming from an NCAA investigation.
Lawd Jesus Take the WHEEL.
@staticshock you'll got the same amount of ACC titles as South Carolina and be in the conference way way longer.
Russell Athletics looks good next to some major trophies
Meanwhile here's South Carolina looking good in Under Armor in a loss to the Citadel
School Number of SEC Titles
Georgia Tech 5
South Carolina 0
List of Southeastern Conference champions - Wikipedia
You mean to tell me Georgia Tech hasnt been in the SEC since 1964, and STILL has more SEC titles than South Carolina?
Oh my are you talking about games played in 1939? Lets at least take it to the late 80's. I don't really get into old history like that. I mean if it makes you feel better I understand though.
forget the 80s. Lets go to the 90s, the last time GA Tech won a NATIONAL TITLE.
Can South Carolina say the same?
GT USC beefrefreshing