This kid Elias Ricks might bleed purple and gold more than Kardell Thomas does
"I want everybody to come to LSU and you could say Kelee and I have a friendly rivalry, just battling for that top spot," Ricks said. "He actually texted me earlier asking what’s good with LSU. With what I've started, I know we can make it a real good class with players from out West. We've gotten
Rakim Jarrett and
Jermaine Burton recently and those are big-time players that we haven't been landing in a cool minute, so I’m trying to keep the ball rolling. I called Lathan (Ransom) on his visit actually and we talked, he said we’re definitely in top schools so I'm keeping on him and working that side. Other players know the tradition and history of LSU. They're seeing top players committing and they want to join that.