The Official 2017 NBA Draft Talk Thread


Apr 30, 2014
You're comparing the number one seed into an east against a team that's played a combined 30 professional games.

For the 15th time, let's see embiid play a playoff game or a 60 game season before we crown them.

A #1 seed that didn't even look like they belonged on the same court as the Cavs. :mjlol:

You guys aren't a title contender and when your young players are ready the majority of players that got you this #1 seed are going to be old and gone from the team. The 2018 brooklyn pick, Tatum, and other picks haven't played a single game yet either. :camby:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Doc will have that nicca in the D League breh. You have no idea :gucci:

Maybe Jerry West can convince him to change his ways but Doc hasn't developed a player outside of his son in the five years he's been here nor does he give minutes to the players he drafts. Its all about aging vets on minimum contacts and washed up former Celtics

all while surrounding this team with garbage wing and shooting guards.
Imo, doc rivers hates the sg position.
He allows bum ass no shooting pg's like rondo to run a hof pure shooter off.
To letting his garbage ass son run in the league.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
A #1 seed that didn't even look like they belonged on the same court as the Cavs. :mjlol:

You guys aren't a title contender and when your young players are ready the majority of players that got you this #1 seed are going to be old and gone from the team. The 2018 brooklyn pick, Tatum, and other picks haven't played a single game yet either. :camby:

Ainge really has no vision in the draft.
besides his Celts buddies across the league gifting hjm hof'ers.
To the no brainer of hirng brad Stevens.
ainge has not really done much with these picks.
To the point I do not see him being able to beat lebron and get to the finals.
Despite having the best coach and best potential to be an NBA champion. I see ainge jagging this whole setup.
As he does not think dynamic enough and does not see the west is pulling away from the east considerably again.
Outside of Stevens I don't think ainge can actually convert now I saw how un-imaginative he was with this draft and he needed to get a stud at the two and more than a three who is just out there or a d and energy guy like that bum crowder.
Ainge is gonna have to really hire the scouting to make it over the bron hump and then beat golden state or even the new domination era of the western conference.
The level of analytical data meets god given talent the warriors have put together synergy wise.
I don't see Ainge really understanding what he really is up against.
As this season was the discoveryzone but Ainge seems to still think he is in a discovery zone.
When in reality, Ainge is in needs to execute on the same level as his comp is.
Yet he is falling short.
The warriors just bought a pick in this draft.
Whom potentially is better than crowder and never played an NBA game yet.
That is how far away Ainge seems because Ainge does not seem to know how much of a talent gap at every position.
plus a lack of height he is up against in gsw and Cle.

Even if he gets heyward that does not close the gap.
As gsw have the actual talent that is the former coach from butler's only Achilles heel.
As this is basketball and you have to have talent.
As butler's coach on any level can not coach up or out coach talent so far out of the realm of the talent of the Celtic's and ainge's current roster.

Art Barr
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