3rd Koast Kang
Whoever dropped that pick six twitter feed
been eating good for previews off their website

...very good day...not a good day
I remember as a kid watching the Hurricanes and not understanding why my parents, uncles, and aunts HATED him and said he was racist. didn't learn about his words until I got older“One gets a little tired of having the United States run down by athletes who are enjoying themselves at the expense of their country,” he wrote. Musburger then infamously called Smith and Carlos “a pair of black-skinned stormtroopers.”
The headline is “Bizarre Protest By Smith, Carlos Tarnishes Medals.” Despite seeing what they did as “bizarre,” Musburger doesn’t once address why Smith and Carlos did what they did or quote them directly. He does however find time to mock them repeatedly. He describes Smith and Carlos as “juvenile”, “ignoble,” and—this actually is bizarre—“unimaginative.” Musburger calls Tommie Smith “the militant black.” In describing a scene of Carlos trying to defend their actions, Musburger writes, “Perhaps it’s time 20-year-old athletes quit passing themselves off as social philosophers.”
“We are talking about someone who compared us to Nazis. Think about that. Here we are standing up to apartheid and to a man in Avery Brundage who delivered the Olympics to Hitler’s Germany. And here’s Musburger calling us Nazis. That got around. It followed us. It hurt us. It hurt my wife, my kids. I’ve never been able to confront him about why he did this. Every time I’ve been at a function or an event with Brent Musburger and I walk towards him, he heads the other way.
My bad brehdang chill smitty
Somebody is getting fired for that. I think homie will be back though.:Mindbaugh:They reeeaaally should not have sent that letter to Solomon
What you mean? It was 10* Monday :Bombaye:......not a good day
:Mindbaugh:They reeeaaally should not have sent that letter to Solomon
i bet it was the mom Jimmy Boy hired to get her son to the team or maybe the coach they hired because he coached a recruit they wanted...Somebody is getting fired for that. I think homie will be back though.
i bet it was the mom Jimmy Boy hired to get her son to the team or maybe the coach they hired because he coached a recruit they wanted...fukking rodents..