The offical random thoughts about Spirituality and Religion thread


πŸ‰β›©οΈ π•Ώπ–π–Š 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ πŸ‰
Jun 15, 2012
<< The Mitsogho genesis account provides a particular version of cosmological beliefs that are found among numerous societies of central Africa. The notion of a primordial water--one that separates the world of terrrestrial and celestial beings--can be seen among the Mpongwe, Vili, Kongo, Yaka, southern Mongo, and even the Kuba and Luba to the east. Kuba traditions associate this water with the original creator Mboom (The Great Water) who engendered nine children (all named Woot). It was these children, in turn, who created the world. Other Kuba myths speak of a primordial marsh that gave birth to Mboom himself. Nkongolo, the founding hero of the Luba dynasty, is associated with the rainbow. He represents the unification of the celestial "fire" (i.e., the sun) and the wetness in the Bokudu narrative. We encounter these same themes among the Vili, Kongo, Yaka, and southern Mongo speakers, following. All of these societies have myths that speak of an ancestral mother emerging from water to engender either the first human beings or a dynasty's founding king. >> pg. 136 (The Pygmies Were Our Compass: Bantu and Batwa in the History of West Central Africa, Early Times to c. 1900 C.E. by Kairn A. Klieman)


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
No need to tag me given my knowledge of ifa/motion (which I already broke down). Im really Not interested breh or care...... and I say that with the intent of NO back and forth , respectfully.
time doesnt exist :francis: its an illusion

id read into this for better ideas on cosmogony as it relates to egypt.

ANCIENT EGYPT : The Wisdom of Ptahhotep


πŸ‰β›©οΈ π•Ώπ–π–Š 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ πŸ‰
Jun 15, 2012
time doesnt exist :francis: its an illusion
You quoting and responding with the above prove you don't get what I'm referencing breh. Or if I'm even in agreement with you. Nog the 1st time And that cool That's BESIDES the point and what I'm dealing with. and btw we've ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS ELSEWHERE ON here. Waste of a dialogue. Not that I'm interested anyways to begin with. Since you're post article and website entries. And just an FYI I wrote and entire disseration on Ptahhotep. Maybe when I'm in a mood I've expounded on it.My advice isnt to read some internet entrynyou might what to investigate Linguistics, Eela concept, Kimoyo , etc and trust there is waaaaay more than that. I think with your own inquistiveness you can research On your own time. (Also if you viewed the root and my posts you'll know these concepts ARENT Foreign to me). Have a good night young breh. Done with this back & forth.
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
You quoting and responding with the above prove you don't get what I'm referencing breh. Or if I'm even in agreement with you. Nog the 1st time And that cool That's BESIDES the point and what I'm dealing with. and btw we've ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS ELSEWHERE ON here. Waste of a dialogue. Not that I'm interested anyways to begin with.
im here to correct some misconceptions being thrown around but i hope you have a blessed evening :therethere:

Times illusion is the back in which you decide how reality is happening. The truth is there is no past or future. Only the present. You might say that something static in reality is static but in truth nothing is static. So the illusion of time happens to you because of the differential of non-static objects in space. Many faiths use time as a means of explaining themselves but to God, those distinctions likely don't matter. that said...

back on topic. The Ennead or 9 fold which is an allegorical explanation of creation is best explained here:

Old Kingdom religion envisaged two ways to explain the world. Either through self-creation or as a product of divine cognition & speech.

The Heliopolitans (Heliopolis, "Iunu") taught that order (creation) was self-caused ("kheper" - "xpr") in the midst of undifferentiated chaos, darkness and oblivion (the "Nun", or primordial water, a cultless deity). Chaos continued to lurk in the darkness of the deep, and might be encountered during sleep (bad dreams) or in the netherworld (when born again like Osiris). Its most horrible manifestation in creation was the annihilation of a person's name ("ren"), which might happen to the deceased if judgement was negative and the person was not justified (its heart eaten by the monsterous devouress of the dead or "am mwt", which had the head and the jaws of a crocodile, the hind quaters of a hippopotamus and the middle part of a lion).

In the beginning, creation unfolded out of a point of absolute singularity. This alternation-point ("Atum", "tm", suggestive of completion, totality) was conceived by the Heliopolitans (the dominant royal theology of the Old Kingdom) as "causa sui" and fugal. Atum created himself by masturbating, taking his own seed into his mouth and spitting out (sneezing) the constituents of creation (the nine basic elements of creation, Atum -the monadic principle- included). Together with Pharaoh (the 10th element or pyramideon), the sacred decad of order was realized, both in the sky (the Ennead) as on earth (the Residence of Pharaoh).

This primordial creative activity was imagined to "happen" in a realm which existed in-between pre-creation and creation, situated as the "first time", the "beginning" ("zep tepy" - "zp tpii"), absolute time (or no-time). Creation was the ejection (cf. Big Bang) out of this point of singularity (Atum and his mythical deed of self-impregnation). This Crown of creation permanently oscillated between the order of creation and the mythical "first time". This monad simultaneously split into two fundamental creative principles (space -Shu- and time -Tefnut-), out of which the multitudes orderly emerged.

The Memphites taught that Ptah was the creator of the universe. He was the creator of chaos and of Atum. In their theology, the whole Heliopolitan process happens in the "form" or "image" of events in the heart and on the tongue of Ptah. "Atum" is a creative verb, image, scheme or model. Its functionality (and that of other important deities such as Horus and Thoth) is not denied, but seen as an outward manifestation (theophany) of the all-encompassing cognitive activity of the speaking Ptah (cf. the creative verb). This focus on manifestation through speech can also be found in the royal funerary texts (largely Heliopolitan) and in "Khemenu" (Hermopolis, the city of Thoth & magic), were the sacred Ibis dropped the creative word in the primordial ocean, therewith creating the universe.

These cosmogonic speculations, essential to understand the broader context of any discourse on wisdom, belong to the order of creation (the deities) and to the order of Egypt (Pharaoh). Ptahhotep's work, adhering to the Memphite accent on discourse, aims to propose a "way of life" valid for everybody. Although the base of the pyramid offers no panorama, its fundamental role is unmistaken, for it carries everything above it. What can be said of the situation of everybody ? Ptahhotep does not deny the existence of higher types of rectitudes. The deities ("god" and "the gods") and Pharaoh are mentioned by name, but are not aimed at in the maxims, although the proper circulation of Maat depends on them. But what can be done by someone with no divine soul ("Ba") ? How far does wisdom alone take such a person ?

only thing I disagree with is Shu and Tefnut

Shu should represent the spoken word

and Tefnut primordial water (Aether)
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πŸ‰β›©οΈ π•Ώπ–π–Š 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ πŸ‰
Jun 15, 2012
What you stated above about misconceptions goes in something I had a dialogue elsewhere about in regards to the notion of teaching and people intent.

My advice is to look beyond JUST ptahhotep. Its alot you missed with your post.

An Egyptian word for "time" is given by the term 3.t :moment, instant, time (in general)." We can tell by the - t nominative suffix that root -3- is a VERB, and we argue one of motion (foot>go). The r-form Kikongo dunga "events" (concrete time). (READ : TIME IN THE BLACK EXPERIENCE PG 21). This explains why the word for "sun" (r'w) OS often depicted with a snake wrapped around it [N16](CD. Rr "time" . This is due to PARONYMYNand shows that r'w and rkrk "snake" sounded similarly at the time of the creation of this glyph, which proves the velard nature of ' in CiKam. It is further supported indirectly by examining a SOUND LAW Between Middle Egyptian and Sango. When Middle Egyptian suffixes a word with -k , the cognate in Sango drops the k , but responds with a high- tone on the preceding vowel. You'll see

Sango ---'> la --- "sun, time"
M'E -> rk --> "time, age, era"
M'E -> r'w "sun, time, day"
Sango --> name "copulate"
M-E - nk "copulate"

The r ~ n and h ~k ' correspond in CiKam, respectively.

Often, the word for "sun" in Cyena-Ntu derives from a word for fire > shine and it's the same word for fire that gives to words dealing with poison and pain. Because the words for sun and snake poison pain illness and fire are QUASI-HOMONYMNS, The Ancient Egytians often synthesized these themes using phenomenon of paronymy.

StephennQuirke provides the following Hymn to Ra, which reinforces the connection between snakes and fire

10th hour of the day, Named "She Who Cools The Steering Oak". It Rises up for Heka
Words to be recited.

Hail, Gold at the brow, at whom the crew of Evening Barque rejoice. Hail to those your rising cobras, who bring you what heaven and earth contain.......

The great flame connotes the poison coming from the mouth of the cobra, for when bitten feels like fire coursing through 1s body. We therefore can logically see how these 3 terms are conceptually related in Ancient Egyptian thought : "fire, flame," "r'w" "sun,day" "uraeus"

Refocusing , what this information alludes to is that TIME was seen through the phenomenon of motion and the best symbolnto reflect motion was the sun, which appeared to traverse the sky during the day (3.t " to tread; to enter into a place" > 3.t " time; moment; instant"). This semantax is confirmed by n' "traveler" (sun god) , to come , to go, to arrive, to journey, to travel, to sail" (Budge 346a); n'w.t (serpent) [Dictionary of Coffin Text, 202]. Remember the r-n interchange. Thus, r'w - n' In Duala- Bantu we have dangwa "go, travel, walk (Botne , 2006: 141). The other variant of r'w also had a homonym for snake as well : i.e Jtn "disk (of the sun, the moon), to shine, to illuminate " . The underlying theme is propagation from a deictic center w/ reflexes in Yoruba tΓ²n/tan "lighten" (Γ¬-ton-no "flower" , tonitoni "clean, pure" , Ezon Ijo toni " to light" Efik utin "sun" (Adegbola 1983:395). The semantax connecting the spread of light (to shine) and serpents is found in West Africa as we note Yoruba dan [do] "shine" : Fon da "serpent" , Da Anyidoxivedo "rainbow"; Okrika Ijo odum " "python" (a water spirit). Thus , the word for sun derives from the meaning to shine.

This is important to note because it gives us some insights into ancient Egyptian creation myths for where it is sun-gods that often arise 1st out of the primordial new "Nun" r'w, jmn, hpri, jtm, . The sun- gods are the epicenter from which creation spread, like sunrays. This informs us that God by the ancient to be understood by "space and time". Can reaffirm in Cyena-Ntu, as told to us by Anthony Ephirim-Donkor in his African Religion Definied book.

"However, ultimate justice, that is , when God put things or orderly, depends on God time. And as far as time vis a vis God is connected, we know that God created the sky above and the earth below in orderly fashion at a time beyond every human imagination , because God hid creation from human....What this means is that divine and secular times are not the same existentially, because divine (God) time has always been there, long before secular (human) time. For this reason, the Akan would say that Nyame ni mbir nye mbir pa (God time is the most ideal), because God' time is surety, in that God and time are one and the same (Ephirim, 2013:46)

Fu-Kiau in his article Ntangu- Tandu-Kolo : The Bantu Kongo Concept of Time discusses the relationship between God and time ([Kalunga]

Tandu Kiayalangana)

In their worldview the Bantu Kongo call tandu kia yalangana or tandu Kia luyalunguna "cosmic time", the unlimited and on going formation process of dunga thru out the universe thru the power and energy of Kalunga, the supreme force (Fu-Kiau. In other words, cosmic time represents the actual, ongoing active time line of kalunga energy and it dams or new creations throughout the universe through the instrumentality of Kalunga power, the agent of change and creation.

This info is important as well because it provides us with a clue as to, ultimately, how God was perceived among Cyena-Ntu speakere for C-N speakers God is space and time". For example , the Cikam word nwnw or Nun the celestial ocean. This word is actually NW- withna suffix of place-names and abstractions. Paronymy plays a big part in conceptualization of the primordial Nw. The space aspect of this root can be found in the word nw.t "sky" Cf. nw.t "the place" (of the resurrection) the root nw meaning space was grammaticalized as the suffix of abstractness, which is common in Cyena-Ntu. We see this suffix in several words in Cikam, as can be seen by the following:

Hnw <<interior, the interior <<body_frame/bone,belly, people

Mnnw <<fortress >> to be stable , firm, durable, remain

Hnw jubilation interjection, cry of joy

Cikam NW is a variant of bw "foot" > place and this term has also been grammaticalized and serves as prefix of place names and abstractions e.g bjn to be bad to be true, truth. The word nw is also connected to time as we see with the term nw.t "time, moment, hour". This word is built from the same root as nw.t. our semantax is further confirmed and associated with "motion" as found in these terms wnj "hasten by, hurry, pass. To travel about, patrol. The w is a prefix on the root n as can be PROVEN with the nw " to hunt". Serpent. We see here , again, the snake cobra relates to time as observed in wnw.t hour goddess of URAEUS SNAKE. It's a connection to motion that gives way to service. As we seen with what im saying with other lexemes with the same semantax (move forwards, action to do make > service, work). Egyptian grammar also Informs us that the word nw.t "time" derives from a verb (i.e, motion) as it contains the - t normalizing suffix

Given the r-n interchange it will be argue that nw is also found in the form of re with semantic shading on the common theme of motion. We repeat the following entries

Rwj "advance
Rw.w leave, escape
Rw.wt "departure"
Rw.jt a throwing ball game

This is important to know because in Cyena Ntu philosophy, time and space, because of energy in motion is critical for the concept of being. It is within this context that that we prove God = existence space time within Cyena Ntu. The n root of nw is present in the word " the one who is" (exist) , to exist, to become, wn.nt that which exists.

In Ciluba this reflected as ne "to be" -eena be , exist is a by form of the root EELA to make leave or exit fro.ones self, to emit, to Express, to to speak; "introduce, apply, dispose". The same nasal/liquid interchange in Ciluba as we see in CiKam.
The concept of God equaling existence is a common African phenomenon. This is expound on in The Notion of Eleng page 117.

"Regarding the truth that is God who is always thought of as creator, he who lives, existence itself and vital force which gives life to every being."

The word eleng time in Nweh language (Bangwa people of the Lebialem Division of South West Cameroon) is cognate with ciKam r'w sun, day, time Sango Lango "day. What we can see is that the African concept of God cannot be separated from existence and time they are all the same thing. This is correlation we see in Cikam between wnwn to travel about > nw.t "sunrays" > nw.t "time, moment, hour".

Mogobe Ramose, in his article "The Philosophy of Ubuntu Ethics illuminates thos notion

"African philosophy is consistent with the philosophic position that motion is the principle of being. According to this Understanding, the condition of be-ing with regard to every entity means that to be is to in the condition of-ness. (COETZEE AND ROUX PAGE 380)

he also stated that "Epistemologically, being is conceived as a perpetual and universal movement of sharing and exchange of the forces of life. The African philosophic conception of the universe is to borrow form the Greek, pantareic. On this view , "order" cannot be once established and fixed for all time.

The principle term for being is Ntu in Cyena-Ntu and Janheinz Jahn said in Muntu African Culture and The Western world. "Ntu is the universal force as such, which, however, never occurs apart from it manifestations: Muntu, Kintu, Hantu and Kantu. Ntu is being itself, the cosmic universal force, which only modern, rationalizing thought can abstract from its manifestations. Ntu is that force in which Being and brings coalesce. Ntu is that which creation flows- jahn 1961 page 101.

The word force means strength, might and is synonymous with power and energy. In modern physics force is any influence that changes an object state of rest or its uniform motion in straight line. Force results in acceleration of an object in the direction of action of the force.. thus Ntu is at once the force that compels an object to accelerate and at the same time the object itself in acceleration in given direction. Ntunwould be akin to the unified force field.

A guy like Gabriel Oyibo proposes that which is comparable to what ancient rmt.w articulated as his conceptualization of God. (You can research this on your own Highlights of the Grand Unified Theorem Formulation.

A synonym for being is life and it is this term that Dogon of Mali use to convey the notion that existence (life is the result of Motion. The pale fox pages 15 and pages 112 speaks on this in depth.

Motion and being is found abundantly throughout Cikam and it literature and explains the relationship between flowing progression

Hpr "occur, happen, to pass, exist, come into being
Hpr - take place, be effective, go by, be past, continue (of action)
Hpr.w - an event, an occurrence
Hpr.w to happen, to be one

Egyptian would agree with people like Octavia Butler in that God is Change (or Khepri) and that changes ge is motion . This is explicitly stated in the Book of Knowing Ra's Way of Being pages 69-70

If you Google that that one excerpt confirms everything we demonstrated linguistically and conceptually. It confirms r'w and hpr.j are one the same. They are just different manifestations of the same fundamental principles of motion i.e r'w is the organizing principle to put in order in Sango its leke or reke or rege to arrange to organize to set in order and hpr.j the process of transformation itself.

Cyena Ntu Philosophy stresses that God is not an entity just out there, separated from existence but it is existence the Universe itself and we exist inside it and evolved and are evolving as manifestations of the Existent or Existing. Cynea Ntu speakers dont engage in debate on whether their tradition is monotheistic or polytheistic. Because for them , God is the only thing that exists and any study of life is in fact an inquiry into the nature of God.

Also advise to read the following to understand where I'm coming from BECAUSE YOU MISCOMPREHEND WHAT I SAID AND RAN WITH IT. In the dialogue of this I ad is to look into transliteration of Paragraphs 5 with the story of ISIS and Ra as it pertains to R'.who's, Conflict of Minds by Jordan Ngubane as it pertains to the title Uqobo and IsiZulu terms. This equate to Cikam and Basaa mbog/ mbok . God among Mende by Cf. W.T Harris and the ?il loan form . There's also something as it pertains to the primordial waters.

Peace to you though young breh you seem like you would make someone a good sparring partner.
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
What you stated above about misconceptions goes in something I had a dialogue elsewhere about in regards to the notion of teaching and people intent.

Cyena Ntu Philosophy stresses that God is not an entity just out there, separated from existence but it is existence the Universe itself and we exist inside it and evolved and are evolving as manifestations of the Existent or Existing. Cynea Ntu speakers dont engage in debate on whether their tradition is monotheistic or polytheistic. Because for them , God is the only thing that exists and any study of life is in fact an inquiry into the nature of God.

Also advise to read the following to understand where I'm coming from BECAUSE YOU MISCOMPREHEND WHAT I SAID AND RAN WITH IT. In the dialogue of this I ad is to look into transliteration of Paragraphs 5 with the story of ISIS and Ra as it pertains to R'.who's, Conflict of Minds by Jordan Ngubane as it pertains to the title Uqobo and IsiZulu terms. This equate to Cikam and Basaa mbog/ mbok . God among Mende by Cf. W.T Harris and the ?il loan form . There's also something as it pertains to the primordial waters.

Peace to you though young breh you seem like you would make someone a good sparring partner.
woah there :whew: dont get too frustrated now just a random thought thread :mjgrin:

that said I know you care, Im just putting my own belief out there

time seems like its integral but it isnt. If you see past it you will understand God much clearer

also Mnw - "The Established One"

and Wsjr - "The Mighty One"

and Aah - "The Great One"

even the word "Pharaoh" (greek pronunciation) is really Per Aah - "House of The Great One"

Belus (Egyptian) - Wikipedia
Min (god) - Wikipedia
Narmer - Wikipedia
are not just "chthonic" forces, as western pagans and greeks have alluded too. :ehh:

I enjoy Egyptian mythology but its the improper understanding of it that makes it an abomination before God. The idea of hardening Pharaoh's heart in Exodus isnt just a one time thing...but an ongoing curse. To see why is to understand the God of the Word relative to nihilistic and devouring mindsets of men after Cain (consider the "fierce catfish" and consider it allegorically)

The God of the Bible is indeed the real God but why is the best question @DoubleClutch :whew:

i broke down the confusion that Isaiah spoke of regarding Egypt in this thread here:
The Little Known Biblical Curse of Egypt by Isaiah

The God of the Bible has origins in Egypt...let it be heard :wow:
Burning bush - Wikipedia

Iusaaset - Wikipedia

"In Peace, Awake Peacably"
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
also I need to comment on this hymn

"StephennQuirke provides the following Hymn to Ra, which reinforces the connection between snakes and fire

10th hour of the day, Named "She Who Cools The Steering Oak". It Rises up for Heka
Words to be recited.

Hail, Gold at the brow, at whom the crew of Evening Barque rejoice. Hail to those your rising cobras, who bring you what heaven and earth contain......."

Let me translate:

She (Nwt) Who Cools the Steering Oak (Nemty), It rises up for Heka (Magic)

Hail , Gold at the Brow (The Aten or Eye or Mouth- the sum of Nt or nTr), at whom the Evening Barque rejoice. Hail to those rising cobras (Nehbekau - which is a name for Geb, Hu - which is a name for Thoth, Mehen - which is a name for Nehemtawy), who bring you what heaven and earth contain

These deities are like the mirror images of other deities (namely Khnum, Ptah, Isis)...the serpents (just like Apep) represents an ongoing vocal quality that persists through creation that proceed from a tangible entity each representing Creation, Preservation, and Nourishment respectively.

The song is deeper than just breaking down letters.

that said:

Matthew 10:19-28

19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.

24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.

25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


The Redeemer of Set

Wepwawet - Wikipedia


Sed festival - Wikipedia

Hou Yi - Wikipedia
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Sep 20, 2014
What you stated above about misconceptions goes in something I had a dialogue elsewhere about in regards to the notion of teaching and people intent.

My advice is to look beyond JUST ptahhotep. Its alot you missed with your post.

An Egyptian word for "time" is given by the term 3.t :moment, instant, time (in general)." We can tell by the - t nominative suffix that root -3- is a VERB, and we argue one of motion (foot>go). The r-form Kikongo dunga "events" (concrete time). (READ : TIME IN THE BLACK EXPERIENCE PG 21). This explains why the word for "sun" (r'w) OS often depicted with a snake wrapped around it [N16](CD. Rr "time" . This is due to PARONYMYNand shows that r'w and rkrk "snake" sounded similarly at the time of the creation of this glyph, which proves the velard nature of ' in CiKam. It is further supported indirectly by examining a SOUND LAW Between Middle Egyptian and Sango. When Middle Egyptian suffixes a word with -k , the cognate in Sango drops the k , but responds with a high- tone on the preceding vowel. You'll see

Sango ---'> la --- "sun, time"
M'E -> rk --> "time, age, era"
M'E -> r'w "sun, time, day"
Sango --> name "copulate"
M-E - nk "copulate"

The r ~ n and h ~k ' correspond in CiKam, respectively.

Often, the word for "sun" in Cyena-Ntu derives from a word for fire > shine and it's the same word for fire that gives to words dealing with poison and pain. Because the words for sun and snake poison pain illness and fire are QUASI-HOMONYMNS, The Ancient Egytians often synthesized these themes using phenomenon of paronymy.

StephennQuirke provides the following Hymn to Ra, which reinforces the connection between snakes and fire

10th hour of the day, Named "She Who Cools The Steering Oak". It Rises up for Heka
Words to be recited.

Hail, Gold at the brow, at whom the crew of Evening Barque rejoice. Hail to those your rising cobras, who bring you what heaven and earth contain.......

The great flame connotes the poison coming from the mouth of the cobra, for when bitten feels like fire coursing through 1s body. We therefore can logically see how these 3 terms are conceptually related in Ancient Egyptian thought : "fire, flame," "r'w" "sun,day" "uraeus"

Refocusing , what this information alludes to is that TIME was seen through the phenomenon of motion and the best symbolnto reflect motion was the sun, which appeared to traverse the sky during the day (3.t " to tread; to enter into a place" > 3.t " time; moment; instant"). This semantax is confirmed by n' "traveler" (sun god) , to come , to go, to arrive, to journey, to travel, to sail" (Budge 346a); n'w.t (serpent) [Dictionary of Coffin Text, 202]. Remember the r-n interchange. Thus, r'w - n' In Duala- Bantu we have dangwa "go, travel, walk (Botne , 2006: 141). The other variant of r'w also had a homonym for snake as well : i.e Jtn "disk (of the sun, the moon), to shine, to illuminate " . The underlying theme is propagation from a deictic center w/ reflexes in Yoruba tΓ²n/tan "lighten" (Γ¬-ton-no "flower" , tonitoni "clean, pure" , Ezon Ijo toni " to light" Efik utin "sun" (Adegbola 1983:395). The semantax connecting the spread of light (to shine) and serpents is found in West Africa as we note Yoruba dan [do] "shine" : Fon da "serpent" , Da Anyidoxivedo "rainbow"; Okrika Ijo odum " "python" (a water spirit). Thus , the word for sun derives from the meaning to shine.

This is important to note because it gives us some insights into ancient Egyptian creation myths for where it is sun-gods that often arise 1st out of the primordial new "Nun" r'w, jmn, hpri, jtm, . The sun- gods are the epicenter from which creation spread, like sunrays. This informs us that God by the ancient to be understood by "space and time". Can reaffirm in Cyena-Ntu, as told to us by Anthony Ephirim-Donkor in his African Religion Definied book.

"However, ultimate justice, that is , when God put things or orderly, depends on God time. And as far as time vis a vis God is connected, we know that God created the sky above and the earth below in orderly fashion at a time beyond every human imagination , because God hid creation from human....What this means is that divine and secular times are not the same existentially, because divine (God) time has always been there, long before secular (human) time. For this reason, the Akan would say that Nyame ni mbir nye mbir pa (God time is the most ideal), because God' time is surety, in that God and time are one and the same (Ephirim, 2013:46)

Fu-Kiau in his article Ntangu- Tandu-Kolo : The Bantu Kongo Concept of Time discusses the relationship between God and time ([Kalunga]

Tandu Kiayalangana)

In their worldview the Bantu Kongo call tandu kia yalangana or tandu Kia luyalunguna "cosmic time", the unlimited and on going formation process of dunga thru out the universe thru the power and energy of Kalunga, the supreme force (Fu-Kiau. In other words, cosmic time represents the actual, ongoing active time line of kalunga energy and it dams or new creations throughout the universe through the instrumentality of Kalunga power, the agent of change and creation.

This info is important as well because it provides us with a clue as to, ultimately, how God was perceived among Cyena-Ntu speakere for C-N speakers God is space and time". For example , the Cikam word nwnw or Nun the celestial ocean. This word is actually NW- withna suffix of place-names and abstractions. Paronymy plays a big part in conceptualization of the primordial Nw. The space aspect of this root can be found in the word nw.t "sky" Cf. nw.t "the place" (of the resurrection) the root nw meaning space was grammaticalized as the suffix of abstractness, which is common in Cyena-Ntu. We see this suffix in several words in Cikam, as can be seen by the following:

Hnw <<interior, the interior <<body_frame/bone,belly, people

Mnnw <<fortress >> to be stable , firm, durable, remain

Hnw jubilation interjection, cry of joy

Cikam NW is a variant of bw "foot" > place and this term has also been grammaticalized and serves as prefix of place names and abstractions e.g bjn to be bad to be true, truth. The word nw is also connected to time as we see with the term nw.t "time, moment, hour". This word is built from the same root as nw.t. our semantax is further confirmed and associated with "motion" as found in these terms wnj "hasten by, hurry, pass. To travel about, patrol. The w is a prefix on the root n as can be PROVEN with the nw " to hunt". Serpent. We see here , again, the snake cobra relates to time as observed in wnw.t hour goddess of URAEUS SNAKE. It's a connection to motion that gives way to service. As we seen with what im saying with other lexemes with the same semantax (move forwards, action to do make > service, work). Egyptian grammar also Informs us that the word nw.t "time" derives from a verb (i.e, motion) as it contains the - t normalizing suffix

Given the r-n interchange it will be argue that nw is also found in the form of re with semantic shading on the common theme of motion. We repeat the following entries

Rwj "advance
Rw.w leave, escape
Rw.wt "departure"
Rw.jt a throwing ball game

This is important to know because in Cyena Ntu philosophy, time and space, because of energy in motion is critical for the concept of being. It is within this context that that we prove God = existence space time within Cyena Ntu. The n root of nw is present in the word " the one who is" (exist) , to exist, to become, wn.nt that which exists.

In Ciluba this reflected as ne "to be" -eena be , exist is a by form of the root EELA to make leave or exit fro.ones self, to emit, to Express, to to speak; "introduce, apply, dispose". The same nasal/liquid interchange in Ciluba as we see in CiKam.
The concept of God equaling existence is a common African phenomenon. This is expound on in The Notion of Eleng page 117.

"Regarding the truth that is God who is always thought of as creator, he who lives, existence itself and vital force which gives life to every being."

The word eleng time in Nweh language (Bangwa people of the Lebialem Division of South West Cameroon) is cognate with ciKam r'w sun, day, time Sango Lango "day. What we can see is that the African concept of God cannot be separated from existence and time they are all the same thing. This is correlation we see in Cikam between wnwn to travel about > nw.t "sunrays" > nw.t "time, moment, hour".

Mogobe Ramose, in his article "The Philosophy of Ubuntu Ethics illuminates thos notion

"African philosophy is consistent with the philosophic position that motion is the principle of being. According to this Understanding, the condition of be-ing with regard to every entity means that to be is to in the condition of-ness. (COETZEE AND ROUX PAGE 380)

he also stated that "Epistemologically, being is conceived as a perpetual and universal movement of sharing and exchange of the forces of life. The African philosophic conception of the universe is to borrow form the Greek, pantareic. On this view , "order" cannot be once established and fixed for all time.

The principle term for being is Ntu in Cyena-Ntu and Janheinz Jahn said in Muntu African Culture and The Western world. "Ntu is the universal force as such, which, however, never occurs apart from it manifestations: Muntu, Kintu, Hantu and Kantu. Ntu is being itself, the cosmic universal force, which only modern, rationalizing thought can abstract from its manifestations. Ntu is that force in which Being and brings coalesce. Ntu is that which creation flows- jahn 1961 page 101.

The word force means strength, might and is synonymous with power and energy. In modern physics force is any influence that changes an object state of rest or its uniform motion in straight line. Force results in acceleration of an object in the direction of action of the force.. thus Ntu is at once the force that compels an object to accelerate and at the same time the object itself in acceleration in given direction. Ntunwould be akin to the unified force field.

A guy like Gabriel Oyibo proposes that which is comparable to what ancient rmt.w articulated as his conceptualization of God. (You can research this on your own Highlights of the Grand Unified Theorem Formulation.

A synonym for being is life and it is this term that Dogon of Mali use to convey the notion that existence (life is the result of Motion. The pale fox pages 15 and pages 112 speaks on this in depth.

Motion and being is found abundantly throughout Cikam and it literature and explains the relationship between flowing progression

Hpr "occur, happen, to pass, exist, come into being
Hpr - take place, be effective, go by, be past, continue (of action)
Hpr.w - an event, an occurrence
Hpr.w to happen, to be one

Egyptian would agree with people like Octavia Butler in that God is Change (or Khepri) and that changes ge is motion . This is explicitly stated in the Book of Knowing Ra's Way of Being pages 69-70

If you Google that that one excerpt confirms everything we demonstrated linguistically and conceptually. It confirms r'w and hpr.j are one the same. They are just different manifestations of the same fundamental principles of motion i.e r'w is the organizing principle to put in order in Sango its leke or reke or rege to arrange to organize to set in order and hpr.j the process of transformation itself.

Cyena Ntu Philosophy stresses that God is not an entity just out there, separated from existence but it is existence the Universe itself and we exist inside it and evolved and are evolving as manifestations of the Existent or Existing. Cynea Ntu speakers dont engage in debate on whether their tradition is monotheistic or polytheistic. Because for them , God is the only thing that exists and any study of life is in fact an inquiry into the nature of God.

Also advise to read the following to understand where I'm coming from BECAUSE YOU MISCOMPREHEND WHAT I SAID AND RAN WITH IT. In the dialogue of this I ad is to look into transliteration of Paragraphs 5 with the story of ISIS and Ra as it pertains to R'.who's, Conflict of Minds by Jordan Ngubane as it pertains to the title Uqobo and IsiZulu terms. This equate to Cikam and Basaa mbog/ mbok . God among Mende by Cf. W.T Harris and the ?il loan form . There's also something as it pertains to the primordial waters.

Peace to you though young breh you seem like you would make someone a good sparring partner.

Repping going when I'm off 24s bro. I know you know you been on that kick since the old Canibus-Central days.


Sep 20, 2014



Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
yeah i KNOW way deeper lol. Enjoy your day though breh lol.
the egyptians believed everything was alive, so forces and nature itself wasnt just personified but rather deified and believed to be cognitive

so the western logicians approach does not apply to true kemetic spiritualism

which is why im here in the first place. God bless you


We are living in a world of illusion