I believe GOD STILL approves of plural marriage or polygamy when HE gives the revelation to certain people.
I understand your anxiety as it has heavy implicationsI am not comfortable discussing this topic because it touches on matters dealt with in the סֵפֶר הַזּוֹהַר, the סֵפֶר דִּי רָזִיאֵל הַמַּלְאָךְ and the סֵפֶר יְצִירָה and these are not suitable topics for general public discussion.
The Torah's words are:
The phrase כָּתְנוֹת עוֹר koth'noth ʿor in B'reshıth 3:21 does not mean 'coats [made] of skin', but 'coverings for the [i.e., their] skin'. The only other place in the Tanach apart from B'reshıth 3:21 where the word כָּתְנוֹת־ koth'noth- ('clothes of...') is found is in N'hamyoh 7:69 where, instead of עוֹר ʿor ('skin'), it is followed by כֹּהֲנִים kohanim. But does anyone understand the phrase כׇּתְנוֹת כֹּהֲנִים koth'noth kohanim ('clothes of kohanim') in N'hamyoh 7:69 as meaning 'clothes made of kohanim'? No, the phrase is translated 'kohanim's garments', 'robes for the kohanim' or something similar; likewise, in B'reshıth 3:21, כָּתְנוֹת עוֹר kothnoth ʿor means 'coverings for the skin', not 'coverings made of skin'. In fact, there is a relevant disagreement in the Oral Sources between Rav and Sh'muʾel Yarhinoʾoh regarding B'reshıth 3:21.
The following passage (recorded at daf yod-dalat, ʿammud ʾalaf of b. Soṭoh) is a disagreement between Rav (a moniker, affectionately referred to simply as 'Rav', an Aramaic title meaning 'great [one]') and Sh'muʾel Yarhinoʾoh ('Sh'muʾel the Lunar Expert'), who presided over the great rival academies located at N'hardʿo and Suroʾ respectively in the third century CE:
Note that neither explanation would have required any animal to have died in order to provide material for the 'koth'noth' made by Hashem for the primordial man and his wife.
seems people in high places really believed in itI believe GOD STILL approves of plural marriage or polygamy when HE gives the revelation to certain people.
Without getting into the thicket (pun intended!) of details here: No.So would you agree when I say that Abrahams "Ram Caught in a thicket" is similar enough to Gen 3:21?
The division of the Tanach into 'chapters' (פְּרָקִים p'roqim) and 'verses' (פְּסוּקִים p'suqim) is of no inherent significance and, in any case, not Jewish. The Hebrew divisions of the Torah are divided into 54 פָּרָשִׁיּוֹת poroshiyyoth (the Babylonian annual cycle whereby a section of the Torah is read publicly each week, forming a cycle of readings that completes the five books every year) and also into 154 סְדָרִין s'dhorin (the Judæan triennial cycle, although in fact the whole Torah was actually completed once every three and a half years or twice in every שְׁמִטָּה sh'miṭṭoh). For the N'viʾim and K'thuvim books, however, there are no פָּרָשִׁיּוֹת poroshiyyoth divisions; instead, these books are divided into סְדָרִין s'dhorin only: the eight N'viʾim have a total of 204 and the eleven K'thuvim have a total of 89 (so that the entire Tanach is divided into 447 סְדָרִין s'dhorin). The arrangement of the Tanach's books in three distinct divisions (Torah, N'viʾim, K'thuvim) is indicative of the differing status and authorships of the books of the Torah, N'viʾim and K'thuvim and the regard in which each is held.why is it assumed that Gen 1 and Gen 2 describe the same beings and creations?
—that said, the three are not 'different', they are just told from differing points of view.(i) 1:1 through 2:3
(ii) 2:4 through 4:26
(iii) 5:1 through 5:2
(i) is a generalized account of the Creation of the Universe – which includes Earth – which includes Humankind;
(ii) is a more centralized account of the origins of Humankind, dealing with such complex issues as to why Man, alone of all the species of animal life on Earth, acquired the power of rational thought and hence freedom of choice, and also why it is that Man has an innate aversion to snakes;
(iii) zooms in on one specific character, named אָדָם, who is eventually to become the ancestor of the central family that the whole narrative is about (this is the only one of the three accounts in which there is a named subject).
I think you might have been attempting humor when you wrote that but, if you were not, I refer you to Marcus Jastrow's Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Talmud Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature (page 222, column 1) where the word גּוֹלֶם is defined as:Given the Golem narrative....
rolled up, shapeless mass, whence
1) lump, a shapeless or lifeless substance.
2) unfinished matter, wanting finishing, opp. פשוט plain surface, forming no receptacle.
3) body.
peep the relationship of Chitragupta to Yama in light of Abrahamic dialogues. I love reading about itSay brehsthe more I read up and learn about Hinduism….I’m starting to feel like they have the closest ideals to the core of human spirituality
Without getting into the thicket (pun intended!) of details here: No.
The division of the Tanach into 'chapters' (פְּרָקִים p'roqim) and 'verses' (פְּסוּקִים p'suqim) is of no inherent significance and, in any case, not Jewish. The Hebrew divisions of the Torah are divided into 54 פָּרָשִׁיּוֹת poroshiyyoth (the Babylonian annual cycle whereby a section of the Torah is read publicly each week, forming a cycle of readings that completes the five books every year) and also into 154 סְדָרִין s'dhorin (the Judæan triennial cycle, although in fact the whole Torah was actually completed once every three and a half years or twice in every שְׁמִטָּה sh'miṭṭoh). For the N'viʾim and K'thuvim books, however, there are no פָּרָשִׁיּוֹת poroshiyyoth divisions; instead, these books are divided into סְדָרִין s'dhorin only: the eight N'viʾim have a total of 204 and the eleven K'thuvim have a total of 89 (so that the entire Tanach is divided into 447 סְדָרִין s'dhorin). The arrangement of the Tanach's books in three distinct divisions (Torah, N'viʾim, K'thuvim) is indicative of the differing status and authorships of the books of the Torah, N'viʾim and K'thuvim and the regard in which each is held.
Now, perhaps you never noticed it before, but there are actually three accounts of Man's creation in the first several chapters of B'reshιth:
—that said, the three are not 'different', they are just told from differing points of view.
The first four סְדָרִין s'dhorin of the book B'reshıth, with regard to the chapter-verse referencing system, are 1:1 through 2:3, 2:4 through 3:21, 3:22 through 4:26, and 5:1 through 6:8—account (i) of Man's creation is the first סִדְרָא sidhroʾ, account (ii) is the second and third סְדָרִין s'dhorin, and account (iii) is just the first two verses of the fourth סִדְרָא sidhroʾ; the first account (B'reshıth 1:1-2:3) deals with the creation of the physical universe, the second (2:4-4:26) focuses on the creation of Mankind, and the third (5:1ff) zooms in on the origins of the family of the one man whom the subsequent narrative concentrates on: ʾAvrohom ʾOvinu. The individual described throughout the second account (2:4-4:26 i.e., אָדָם) is never actually named until B'reshıth 4:25—up to that point he is simply called הָאָדָם, 'the man'.
A bit of an aside, but did you notice that the Four-Lettered Divine Name does not occur until the second Hebrew division? In particular, there are two main titles that the Tanach employs to refer to the Deity: אֱלֹקִים (which denotes 'rulership' and 'sovereignty' and is used in a number of different contexts, of which the usage as a title of the Deity is only one) signifies Hashem when He is exercising His attribute of strict 'justice', while the Four-Lettered Divine Title signifies His attribute of 'mercy'. He is therefore called אֱלֹקִים throughout the first account of creation (1:1-2:3), but as soon as Man appears (in 2:4), this changes to ה׳ אֱלֹקִים ('justice' tempered by 'mercy', with 'mercy' taking precedence); because Man, having been intentionally created imperfect, cannot exist in an environment based on justice alone.
I think you might have been attempting humor when you wrote that but, if you were not, I refer you to Marcus Jastrow's Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Talmud Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature (page 222, column 1) where the word גּוֹלֶם is defined as: