I'm actually one of the soundest, most rational, knowledgeable and tenured posters you'll ever come across on any forum.
I'm in this thread providing Insight that stems from that.

I'm actually one of the soundest, most rational, knowledgeable and tenured posters you'll ever come across on any forum.
I'm in this thread providing Insight that stems from that.
This thread is doing numbers because he detailed why he doesn't like the new Nas album and really Nas' post Illmatic career entirely with sound reasoning.
Ill agree with this; its kinda weird since on some tracks he comes off very sharp, but on a few hes just all over the place. and thats been the case lately with him sadly.Even worse, on this album his rhyming is NOT on beat on some of the tracks, which smacks of him freestyling off a notepad
This thread is doing numbers because he detailed why he doesn't like the new Nas album and really Nas' post Illmatic career entirely with sound reasoning.
Is he a hipster though? Hipsters are fickle. This guys dedicated and passionate.
SMH at anybody taking what he was to say seriously. The second I got a look at him it was a wrap for me. There'd be no reason for me to ever discuss anything with him or even take seriously anything he has to say. He looks like a future hate crime victim who won't even bother defending himself during the incident.
I honestly think critics don't know what the fukk they want from Nas they damn selves...
If he makes another Illmatic/IWW etc. - but but...he's rehashing the past
If he tries to experiment - but but...nah that ain't his lane
If he produces a well balanced album - but but but...i dunno, I gotta find something wrong...right?
Some Nas critics are worse than hard to please females.
Nas' "post Illmatic career" is water way under the bridge. Nas is not the MC you want him to be, or think he should be. he is who he is
so much of this hate is just cats butthurt because of some mythical potential they thought they saw 18 years ago
Hes pretentious as well. I like this reviews, but face it, the guys a damn hipster
Being a hipster isnt a bad thing by default, but acting like you know everything about everything turns people off
Its not like he ever says "to be honest, I dont know all that much about this topic or that artist, and this is new to me so this is how I found it". Instead you get the impression that he breezes over history to give his opinions a form of "educated" context. Admitting ignorance shows some humility and makes the review more relatable. Hes trying to be everything to everyone and its clear that he talks out of his ass in a lot of hip-hop reviews (I dont really watch the others)
i think Nas stans get it twisted by actually believing that those of us who don't jock him actually even care about what he does. we don't. that ship sailed looooong ago.
now, that doesn't mean we won't chime in on his albums.
Nas could never make another album and i wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.