The Most Successful Ethnic Group in America May Surprise You...


Jun 21, 2012
You know how white mcwhite Spaniards from Spain get preferential treatment because of the trials of Indian mestizos?

It's like that.
This is especially true in the Ivy, and near-Ivy league schools. You'll see all of em checking off "latino" on college applications looking like Emilio Estevez and rarely looking like the george Lopez's of the world. They, like many people, have learned how to exploit a lot of these loopholes in ways that they were never intended for.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Are most African immigrants that come here are already wealthy? If I'm not mistaken, many of them may be well educated but that does not translate to being well off. In fact many of the educated ones may be first generation educated and have family members back home living in dire situations. Hence the remittances sent back.

Also what U.S. government programs which may assist Africans with creating businesses or becoming more successful are solely given to Africans while bypassing African Americans? I'm very interested in how this plays out.

Lastly, I attribute African success over African-American success to the former being hungrier than the latter for it.

It's the same with EVERY immigrant group across the board. Did you know that FOB Asians outpace American born Asians? White immigrant groups outpace White Americans? And so on.

It isn't African American culture that puts us at a disadvantage. It's AMERICAN culture period. Consider this...apparently after living in America for just one generation, African immigrant's children actually perform at lower rates than their parents did and face the EXACT same problems as African-American children.

America still is the land of opportunities for black immigrants—but not their kids

Let that sink in for a second. America should be embarrassed. Western countries fukk up Africa to secure the quality of life we are currently living, forcing people from those nations to come here to simply survive and after one generation, American Western vices and hedonism and racism literally erodes the drive and success of African immigrants' born here.

I am not making this statement at you specifically. I am just making a general statement here. The African versus African American comparisons are not the same and on top of that people are pushing a false narrative about African American not valuing education, which tends to understate and undervalue the success of African Americans.

This comparison between Africans and African Americans are not the same, because Africans ask the White man to allow them to come to the USA to go to school, which IMO is more of an indictment of the countries that they come from; that they are reduced to basically begging the White man for the opportunity to receive an education and employment.

Whereas African Americans are born here. African Americans didn't beg the White man for anything in fact due to racism they had to build their own schools, which is evidenced by the large number of HBCU's that started being built over 150 years ago and even earlier during slavery; and still exist to this very day. Those HBCUs have turned out countless teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, accountants, etc; and those graduates created a lot of businesses like banks, medical offices, law offices, funeral homes, contracting firms, engineering/architectural firms, accountant offices, museums, music labels, newspapers, actors, etc. So I don't know where the false narrative of African Americans not valuing education comes from, because as of 2017 "The Hill " reported that 23% of African Americans had at least a bachelors degree:

"Wide disparities in educational attainment still exist along racial lines, the Census shows. More than 37 percent of non-Hispanic white Americans have a college degree, while just 23 percent of African-Americans have reached the same level of formal education. Only 16.4 percent of Hispanic Americans have a college degree.

Still, the percentage of both African-Americans and Hispanic Americans who have attained a college degree has grown in recent years. Among African-Americans, college graduation has doubled since 1991. Among Hispanics, the number of college graduates has increased 60 percent in the last 20 years."
Census: More Americans have college degrees than ever before

As of 2015 at least 33% of African Americans had at least a 2 year degree:

"About 33 percent of African-American adults had at least a two-year college degree in 2015... ."
College degree gap grows wider between whites, blacks and Latinos - The Hechinger Report

As of 2005 there were over 4.5 million African Americas with college degrees and more of them have advanced degrees than at any other point in U.S. history, but people are up in here making it sound like African Americans don't attend college or value education.
More Than 4.5 Million African Americans Now Hold a Four-Year College Degree
The Solid Progress of African Americans in Degree Attainments

HBCUs were successful and are still successful; despite White peoples effort to break them down by creating a fake integration, which in retrospect was designed to draw African American students and consumers to White schools and businesses. We know the integration was fake, because White people will not fund primary public education in African American communities which would allow them to be competitive against the students in White communities; which White people in turn use against African Americans students later in the admission process when applying to White universities in order to keep them out.

The problem that I see is that divide and conquer still works on Black people. Black people all over the World are on the bottom. Hell Black people are on the bottom in their own countries, yet there is a lot of walking around chest pounding in front of other Black people like they asses have achieved some shyt when all of us are still struggling. .
Last edited:
Dec 19, 2017
That is the median income meaning certain people skew the number up while others skew it down, giving you a statistical average. They are statistically doing better than whites, on average. If your a doctor, you're making 200k+. No matter how strong white supremacy is, you can't deny someone with a good education and in demand skills.

Educationally point is that the Nigerian advantage in income is fairly small considering how educated they are as a group. If whites bumped up their grad school numbers by a sliver, the gap would disappear.

A more apt comparison would be to look at median income AT EACH level of educational attainment (compare whites vs. Asians vs. Nigerians with just a bachelors etc.).

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
It all starts at home. From what I've seen most of those Nigerians that fit that mold come from two parent households and from an environment that ENCOURAGES book smarts and wealth building.

Not too many that will ridicule you for being a nerd and the women aren't chasing thugs.
Also the parents seem to have a strong influence over their kids. I regularly hear them say their mom doesn't want to meet any women from them unless that woman is going to be his WIFE and they apply societal pressure on women and men to seek marriage. Not too much GMB over there. And they only respect their kids when they marry another Nigerian I believe (Nigerian brehs can chime in here I'm speaking as someone looking from the outside in)

I could be wrong but

Strong family unit
Respect for elders
Encouraging book smarts

Some Nigerian parents are bigger "tiger mom's" than Asian parents. Good recipe for success.

There was a point in time black america was like this but now that's eroded.

Wow. All facts


Feb 12, 2015
I am not making this statement at you specifically. I am just making a general statement here. The African versus African American comparisons are not the same and on top of that people are pushing a false narrative about African American not valuing education, which tends to understate and undervalue the success of African Americans.

This comparison between Africans and African Americans are not the same, because Africans ask the White man to allow them to come to the USA to go to school, which IMO is more of an indictment of the countries that they come from; that they are reduced to basically begging the White man for the opportunity to receive an education and employment.

Whereas African Americans are born here. African Americans didn't beg the White man for anything in fact due to racism they had to build their own schools, which is evidenced by the large number of HBCU's that started being built over 150 years ago and even earlier during slavery; and still exist to this very day. Those HBCUs have turned out countless teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, accountants, etc; and those graduates created a lot of businesses like banks, medical offices, law offices, funeral homes, contracting firms, engineering/architectural firms, accountant offices, museums, music labels, newspapers, actors, etc. So I don't know where the false narrative of African Americans not valuing education comes from, because as of 2017 "The Hill " reported that 23% of African Americans had at least a bachelors degree:

"Wide disparities in educational attainment still exist along racial lines, the Census shows. More than 37 percent of non-Hispanic white Americans have a college degree, while just 23 percent of African-Americans have reached the same level of formal education. Only 16.4 percent of Hispanic Americans have a college degree.

Still, the percentage of both African-Americans and Hispanic Americans who have attained a college degree has grown in recent years. Among African-Americans, college graduation has doubled since 1991. Among Hispanics, the number of college graduates has increased 60 percent in the last 20 years."
Census: More Americans have college degrees than ever before

As of 2015 at least 33% of African Americans had at least a 2 year degree:

"About 33 percent of African-American adults had at least a two-year college degree in 2015... ."
College degree gap grows wider between whites, blacks and Latinos - The Hechinger Report

As of 2005 there were over 4.5 million African Americas with college degrees and more of them have advanced degrees than at any other point in U.S. history, but people are up in here making it sound like African Americans don't attend college or value education.
More Than 4.5 Million African Americans Now Hold a Four-Year College Degree
The Solid Progress of African Americans in Degree Attainments

HBCUs were successful and are still successful; despite White peoples effort to break them down by creating a fake integration, which in retrospect was designed to draw African American students and consumers to White schools and businesses. We know the integration was fake, because White people will not fund primary public education in African American communities which would allow them to be competitive against the students in White communities; which White people in turn use against African Americans students later in the admission process when applying to White universities in order to keep them out.

The problem that I see is that divide and conquer still works on Black people. Black people all over the World are on the bottom. Hell Black people are on the bottom in their own countries, yet there is a lot of walking around chest pounding in front of other Black people like they asses have achieved some shyt when all of us are still struggling. .
I agree with everything ur saying. My ultimate point is that it isn't that AA culture is somehow holding African Americans back. Or that Africans are somehow superior.

It's that America holding us back in our country JUST like white supremacy is holding them back in their own countries. And that is evidenced by the fact that 2nd generation African kids become infected with Western vices as well after staying here.

U literally got people who survived hell to get here and establish something and when their children grow up on this soil with its unique blend of racism, white supremacy, elitism and anti-blkness, they fall prey to the same circumstances.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Educationally point is that the Nigerian advantage in income is fairly small considering how educated they are as a group. If whites bumped up their grad school numbers by a sliver, the gap would disappear.

A more apt comparison would be to look at median income AT EACH level of educational attainment (compare whites vs. Asians vs. Nigerians with just a bachelors etc.).

Working hard and being slightly better positioned than whites in the US is still better than working hard and getting nowhere in Nigeria . Yes it sucks and it's unfair, but you have to look at the bigger picture.

Whites cannot maintain a system where they coast at the expense of others. That's not sustainable. If other groups gain more education and wealth it would eventually put them at a disadvantage.

That's exactly whats happening with globalizaton and white suicide and drug overdose rates in the rust belt/midwest. The only whites who are unaffected are educated coastal whites living in San Francisco and New York.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I agree with everything ur saying. My ultimate point is that it isn't that AA culture is somehow holding African Americans back. Or that Africans are somehow superior.

It's that America holding us back in our country JUST like white supremacy is holding them back in their own countries. And that is evidenced by the fact that 2nd generation African kids become infected with Western vices as well after staying here.

U literally got people who survived hell to get here and establish something and when their children grow up on this soil with its unique blend of racism, white supremacy, elitism and anti-blkness, they fall prey to the same circumstances.

Yup. That is general concept is called nikkas think they bigger. The same thing happened when Black Americans moved from the South to the North. Got better jobs. Went to better schools. Got more degrees. Talk shyt about Black people that stayed in the South. Found out that they were still Black. Now their descendants are moving back South.