This is just my speculation, but when Tariq was doing those trips to Africa I think he tried to conduct some type of business over there, they ran a background check and said, "Nah, we good" and that's what set Tariq off.Tariq created a beast he no longer could control, once it got released.
On the other hand Tariq has said a bunch of wild things. And Tariq is not beyond criticism.
He stated that Black Americans aren’t from Africa. And when some people criticized him, he changed it into well we are from but partly of African descent, but mainly from America. We’ve been in the Americas for millions of years. That is some of the wild things he has said.
He went to several African countries prior to all this. Instead of being diplomatic and work on trade relationships with those African nations for ADOS/FBA, he started to attack those Africans and African nations, telling lies like those Africans had us etc.
Just my speculation