The most EXTENSIVE DNA STUDY ever on Ethiopians (results are in, they're mixed)


Tupac KONY and GOAT
Jun 23, 2013
Ethiopians are black and the blackest/oldest goddamn civilization in Africa :camby: with this cac study
May 16, 2012
You're telling the truth. There was a study a few years back that showed certain ethnic groups in East Africa having a mixed ancestry. And you argued against it.

yup. and that was because we didn't have genetic studies comparing east africans to one another. those old studies were mostly comparing east africans to west africans. and like these dudes I was on the diversity caused by enviroment train.

however, once you have DNA studies on ALL east africans. and we compare the semitic speakers to the omotic speakers, we find they are largely the same minus the non-African genes. the omotic speakers don't have west african genes or nilotic genes. their african DNA component is the SAME as their semitic and cushytic speaking neighbours. the only difference is they don't have as much in the way of non-African genes.

if someone can please explain to me why the omo valley tribes look different than their semitic and cushytic neighbours eventhough they have the same African genes, I'll gladly change my views. till then I gotta agree with the consensus from the dna evidence.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
You're projecting things on to me. prior to the sequencing of the Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA codes, the Out-of-Africa theory proposed that there was NO admixture between archaic humans and modern humans. That has been proven to be 100% false.

I'm still waiting for you to show me where its stated that the OOA is dated which is something you have said. Stop dancing around it. I don't understand why you're keep throwing this "replacement" theory into this argument when no one freaking mentioned it. Like I said the Out of Africa is the spread of Modern Humans from Africa to other parts of the world. Nothing else nothing more. No you're keep wasting our times by bringing up Achaic humans when they they have little to do with what I'm talking.

I didn't say that ALL variation in the African population was due to admixture with Eurasians. Nobody is saying that. The recent study showed that variation in the African Population was LOWER THAN EXPECTED. It's still higher than all other populations. Do you even read? or do you just assume that everything is part of some eurocentric conspiracy to keep Africans down.

It was either you or @Swagnificent who was attributing almost all African variation to foreign admixture.[/QUOTE]

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
the ancestors of the andamense left africa 60,000 years ago. no shyt everyone was black back then and looked the same. however, people change over time. and the back to africa migrations happened in waves. its possible that the initial waves of J1 looked like the native east africans. and its also possibly that later waves of the same J1 looked different.

There was only one main wave of J1 into Ethiopia. But again Ethiopia's J lineages are largely from the neolithic period around the exact same time its E-M34 clades appeared. And judging by the appearance of J carrying Asians in next door Yemen and southern Arabia they weren't the light-skinned hairy Middle Easterners many would have you believe. Then again, I remember reading somewhere that the J derived lineages found in Ethiopia actually POST DATE the E-M34 derived clades found there.

A high-resolution, Y-chromosome analysis using 46 binary markers has been carried out in two Jordan populations, one from the metropolitan area of Amman and the other from the Dead Sea, an area geographically isolated. Comparisons with neighboring populations showed that whereas the sample from Amman did not significantly differ from their Levantine neighbors, the Dead Sea sample clearly behaved as a genetic outlier in the region. Its high R1*-M173 frequency (40%) has until now only been found in northern Cameroonian samples. This contrasts with the comparatively low presence of J representatives (9%), which is the modal clade in Middle Eastern populations, including Amman. The Dead Sea sample also showed a high presence of E3b3a-M34 lineages (31%), which is only comparable to that found in Ethiopians. Although ancient and recent ties with sub-Saharan and eastern Africans cannot be discarded, it seems that isolation, strong drift, and/or founder effects are responsible for the anomalous Y-chromosome pool of this population. These results demonstrate that, at a fine scale, the smooth, continental clines detected for several Y-chromosome markers are often disrupted by genetically divergent populations.

..As Bedouin tribes had an important role in the colonization of southeast Jordan, it could be that the haplogroup composition of the Dead Sea reflected genetic affinities to them, but that is not the case. The most striking characteristic of the Dead Sea sample is the high prevalence of R1*-M173 lineages (40%), contrasting with the lack of them and of its derivatives R1b3-N269 in Bedouin from Nebel et al. (2001) and its low frequencies in Amman. It is worth mentioning that until now, similar frequencies for R1*-M173 have only been found in northern Cameroon (Cruciani et al. 2002). The possibility that the Dead Sea and Cameroon are isolated remnants of a past broad human expansion deserves future studies.

Interestingly, when the molecular heterogeneity of the G6PD locus was compared between the Amman and the Dead Sea samples, a lower number of different variants and a higher incidence of the African G6PD-A allele was detected in the latter (Karadsheh, personal communication). Another singularity of the Dead Sea is its high frequency (31%) of E3b3a-M34, a derivative of the E3b3-M123 that is only found in 7% Bedouins (Cruciani et al. 2004). Until now, the highest frequencies for this marker (23.5%) had been found in Ethiopians from Amhara (Cruciani et al. 2004). On the contrary, most Bedouin chromosomes (63%) belong to the haplogroup J1-M267 (Semino et al. 2004) compared with 9% in the Dead Sea. All these evidences point to the Dead Sea as an isolated region perhaps with past ties to sub-Saharan and eastern Africa.

Strong drift and/or founder effects might be responsible for its anomalous haplogroup frequencies
-Isolates in a corridor of migrations: a high-resolution analysis of Y-chromosome variation in Jordan


Jan 7, 2014
I'm still waiting for you to show me where its stated that the OOA is dated which is something you have said. Stop dancing around it. I don't understand why you're keep throwing this "replacement" theory into this argument when no one freaking mentioned it. Like I said the Out of Africa is the spread of Modern Humans from Africa to other parts of the world. Nothing else nothing more. No you're keep wasting our times by bringing up Achaic humans when they they have little to do with what I'm talking.

It was either you or @Swagnificent who was attributing almost all African variation to foreign admixture.

in 2009, or whenever the Neanderthal Genome was sequence and the results were published, the Out-of-Africa theory became dated overnight.

I am not only the descedant of the Out of Africa explosion that happened 60,000 or more years ago. I am also the descendant of Denisovans and Neanderthals who left africa 500,000 to 1 million years ago, and who evloved separately from and extended and substantial period of time. Prior to 2009 (or whenever that was). I was told to believe that I was only the desendant of a small band of african explorers than left 60,000 years ago. But that was wrong.
May 16, 2012
Why do people assume kinky hair is a trait of early African ancestors. Kinky hair is very much an evolved trait.

its universal among alot of unrelated african groups (bushmen, nilotes, bantu, and east africans) and even in many non-Africans that were among the earliest waves to leave africa (see the Negritos, Papau New Gunieans, etc.). kinky hair along with dark skin are MOST DEFINITELY among the physical attributes of the earliest humans to leave africa and colonize the rest of the world.

now if you are saying that kinky hair arose after the first anatomically modern humans in Africa, then sure that night be possible. but the earliest out of africa migrants were kinky haired. that is sure.


Aug 29, 2014
its universal among alot of unrelated african groups (bushmen, nilotes, bantu, and east africans) and even in many non-Africans that were among the earliest waves to leave africa (see the Negritos, Papau New Gunieans, etc.). kinky hair along with dark skin are MOST DEFINITELY among the physical attributes of the earliest humans to leave africa and colonize the rest of the world.

now if you are saying that kinky hair arose after the first anatomically modern humans in Africa, then sure that night be possible. but the earliest out of africa migrants were kinky haired. that is sure.
Kinky hair is a tropical adaptation. Negritos and Papuans live in tropical climates... go figure
May 26, 2012
generally dark skinned with kinky hair kinda like this :scust: now adress my theory how does a full a African have such weak genes if there not mixed?

Black folk contain extreme genetic diversity. Light skin comes from albinism. The dark people breed with these albinos to produce offspring with lighter skin. Continuous breeding among albinos produces "White People".Yes blonde/red haired blue/green eyed "white devils" Are simply recessive BLACK genetics. Two black parents with the Albino genes can also produce an albino child that looks "European". It's not deep.

The genetic diversity you see in africa amongst the different tribes is the same thing. Genetic isolation of different traits which creates different looks.

So yes we are MIXED but not with some EURASIAN bullshyt. It's our own weak genes isolated