Kinky hair is a tropical adaptation. Negritos and Papuans live in tropical climates... go figure
now explain why the nilotic tribes in desert sudan got kinky hair but the south asians in tropical india don't?
Get off our dikks......fukk.![]()
The chicks on top look straight up black, like someone you'd see in Atlanta, or even the Caribbean.
Unless you're doing a reverse 1 drop rule where even one non-black ancestor makes you mixed.![]()
ohh look a cac dna study
So I've had a bunch of folks ask me for evidence the last couple of days after I said in a couple of threads that the light skin curly hair ethiopian broads nikkas was fiendin for are mixed. Well here is that evidence.
Here are the ethnic groups sampled. As you can see they got over 100 DNA samples from almost every ethnic group in Ethiopia. You have semetic speaking, cushytic speaking, omotic speaking, and nilotic speaking groups all up in here.
Next we have the ethnic groups listed in order based on levels of admixture. The big blue line that makes up the majority of most of the groups is the E1b haplogroup. Its believed to have originated in East Africa and is the primary African marker. The other colors are either African (orange, yellow, and green) or non-African (red and purple).
Since there are so many ethnic groups in Ethiopia, the easiest way to break down the genetic differences between the different groups is by langauges. Ethnic groups with similar languages tend to have similar features and also similar genetics.
To me this graph above is the most important one. Blue/Green/Yellow/Orange is African. Red/Purple is non-African. As you can see the Semitic speakers in Ethiopia have the biggest band of red and purple. Hence the most non-African genes in their pool. Thus its not surprising they look like this.![]()
The Omotic and Cushytic tribes have similar amounts of non-African genes but its smaller than the Semitic speakers thus it makes sense they don't look as mixed.
And finally we have the Nilotic speakers which have almost no non-African genes and are almost purely African.
ok. i think mitochondrial DNA results are easier to understand than the Y-DNA results. The L haplogroups (see below) are mitochondrial DNA that originated in Africa. While haplogroups M and N (in purple and green) originated in Asia.
In the graph below, there are 5 ethnic groups.
AF = Afar (cushytic)
AM = Amhara (semitic)
AN = Anuak (nilotic)
ML = Maale (omotic)
OR = Oromo (cushytic)
AN = Anuak which are a Nilotic speaking tribe. As you can seei AN has no purple and very little green. They are almost exclusively Haplogroup L which is African. Hence their mitochrondrial DNA is over 90% African. This is what they look like.
ML stands for Maale people who are an Omotic tribe. As you can see about 20% of the mtDNA is purple/green (aka non-African). They have a little more non-African genes than the nilotic speaking tribes and this is what they look like.
this woman is not Omotic tribe, She is Amhara woman a k a Habesha.
AF stands for Afar and OR stands for Oromo. Both are cushtic speaking groups. They are about 30-40% non-African ancestry. This is what they look like.
And finally AM stands for Amhara which are the largest semitic speaking tribe in ethiopia. They are also the tribe where most of the light skin ethiopian chicks nikkas fiend for on this site come from. As you can see from their graph, they are almost 50% non-African in terms of mitochondrial DNA. Thus, it shouldn't be a surprise that they look like this.