Not the original

Can't agree, in fact, it's one of those rare movies that got everything right, a perfect storm of story, action, pacing and mythology. It's pure entertainment but it never dumbs itself down. I think the greatness is only emphasized by how movies like Inception and Sucker Punch tried to do their own version of similar themes (action thrillers within the mind/imagined world) but failed to capture that pitch perfect balance, more than ten years after the fact.
I just saw them recently, for the first time. Good stuff, but overrated. Part 2 was the best out of the 3.
Terminator 2?Terminator 2 has a great engaging storyline & characters, it's graphics arebut it isn't as tech reliant as the matrix.
fukk out of here dude. Terminator 2 still looks like it could've been made today. It's an insane testament to James Cameron's cinematography. Now, if you're talking about Terminator 1, I'll agree the graphics areTerminator 2 has a great engaging storyline & characters, it's graphics arebut it isn't as tech reliant as the matrix.
Not just movies either, GAMES looked @ that movie likemy nikka think about this for a sec...what would action movies be today w/o the matrix? Bullet Time changed the game...the matrix made every director step their game up on how action movies were shot, That alone makes it one of the GOATs.