The Mass Effect Series

Pure Water

May 12, 2014
Alright. So i’m finished with the series. This shyt was amazing. I really don’t know why I avoided these games when they came out. I’m kind of glad I didn’t play the first game when it came out, because it would have turned me off from the sequel (or at least until it was cheap enough for me to purchase without regret). The first game was really bad, but the second and third really made up for it.

I chose the Destroy end, because I heard Shepard lives, but also because I believe that organics are able to learn. The catalyst even said I was different. I believe given the chance, organics can learn from their mistakes and cut down on the chaos. Really the only species that has me worried is the Krogan. Hopefully the females can keep them in check. But after watching all of the endings, I would say Synthesis might be the better option. The Catalyst as seen this for many cycles, they probably know that people have had the same thought as I did and just repeated theirselves. IDK. I like both the Destroy ending and Synthesis ending.

Going back to Andromeda, I really liked that game as well. I really hope they expand on the Andromeda universe. It’s amazing how no one on the Andromeda Initiative knows anything about the war except Ryder. Liam keeps talking about London, but his family probably died horrific deaths. We’re 600 years into the future, but that still would weigh heavy on my mind. It was a whole war going on and no one knows about it. I would prefer if Bioware chose a canon ending (or allowed us to import our saves) and release a video or report to the colonist in Andromeda. They deserve to know what happened.

It a lot more I can right about, but I feel like I’m just rambling now. As far as how I would rank them. It would go ME2>ME3>MEA>>>>>ME1 ( I really didn’t enjoy the first game). The Andromeda series can be so much more, EA just needs to stop hindering it’s success.
