The Mandalorian Season 2 - Official Thread

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
Not to mention, he’s is low key ignorant as fukk. He just started trusting some droids . He knows nothing of Mandalore or true Mandalorian culture . He knows nothing of Jedi.

Damn man, pick up a damn Holocron. I’m sure he is well traveled . You don’t ask questions .


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
I might be a bit racist but I don't see the difference between this guy and the Solo guy at all, and they both look like Harrison Ford to me :russ:

Solo was dope :yeshrug:
When I saw the screenshot, I thought it was the same guy.

Remember Moff immedietly kills the dude when he shows up at the end of the first season. and Doctor always maintain that grogo needed to be taken alive. Makes me think he was a lakey who wasn't completely following orders correctly. Doesn't seem like a contradiction, just that particular dude not seeing the bigger picture that Moff Gideon was seeing. It was probably him not Gideon who hired all those bounty hunters.

True, I actually thought of that. Pershing seemed to be the only one in that room that understood what Grogu was.

Din might be an Idiot at times

But take away force powers
Take away Lightsabers
Dont include droids or cyborgs
And include other Mandalorians

Din might the best all around normal combatant in SW history

Han solo- not even close
Lando Calrissian- see above
Jango fett- maybe
Bo katan- is gonna learn her place in S3
Saw Guerrera- based on what i saw in rebels..nope
Sabine Wren- a mf joke...brilliant inventor tho
Finn- see above Statement, minus the brilliant part
Poe Dameron- amazing pilot...but that about it

Who else?
What other non force wielder can hang with mando

Din is a expert gun fighter- how many western style standoffs has he won?
Expert hand to hand combatant- fought off those pirates sans beskar and bare handed like mf Batman
Might not be expert level pilot tho- Boba makes him look ametuer hour as a wheelman.
Wields most weapons he finds...such as the beskar staff, like he's been using them his entire life

The only other normal fighter who is as dangerous is another Favreau creation
Pre Vizsla
Breh went toe to toe with Both Maul and Obi-wan
Lost both times of course...but for a normal guy he put up a good fight.

It's this guy, unless you think his "Daredevil" skills are (weak) Force powers

All things being equal, Chirrut could kill Mando.

Honorable mention:

The Magistrate managed to take a lightsaber from a fully trained Jedi. But that Jedi needed her alive, so who knows what would have happened in a fight to the death.

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
I feel like Bobba Fett would have made any Dinn fight sequence look like a cakewalk, and that’s just going off of the one true fight scene he had on the show . I wouldn’t put it past Bo to kick Dinn ass too, but we might find out next season. TBH, I don’t think they gnna have those two fight next season anyway . Those fights be looking way too difficult for Dinn, Almost like he still learning how to Mandalorian .
Boba might be the GOAT.....ill put him right next to Jango in the Maybe category.

When I saw the screenshot, I thought it was the same guy.

True, I actually thought of that. Pershing seemed to be the only one in that room that understood what Grogu was.

It's this guy, unless you think his "Daredevil" skills are (weak) Force powers

All things being equal, Chirrut could kill Mando.

Honorable mention:

The Magistrate managed to take a lightsaber from a fully trained Jedi. But that Jedi needed her alive, so who knows what would have happened in a fight to the death.
You know what I forgot about him.
But he's blind and wasnt even the most essential soldier on his team.

What this all depends on is

Exactly How did Moff Gideon get the darksaber?.....
He said it himself...its not in the blade its in the story

Bo Katan knew she had to beat Gideon

Otherwise the other Mandos would look at her, actual royalty, as a pretender.

I don't think hes some scrub who got it by underhanded means...i think he won it fair
And lost it fair...

To Din:smugbiden:


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
On god 3 minutes of Luke is better than them 3 damn sequel movies.

this is what that 2 & 3 movie should have been about just luke showing up and whipping ass left and right they did him so dirty in that abomination of a second film...:snoop:

Just finished watching this it was so epic man...:banderas: CGI luke was on one....:wow:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Nope. They didn't have it ready at all. They had no clue. When they saw how it was taking off, they rushed into production, but were only able to do tees, and socks. It took months for them to even have something as cost efficient as a plush doll. Usually, the surprise merch hits right after the reveal, meaning it would've been in production 3-4 months prior.
But that would have spoiled it when the people making it let pics and everything else leak

it's 2020/1 man.. You wanna hide leaks and spoilers, you better not even make the product. Motherfukkers flying drones over movie sets. You think they still ain't using cell phones and word of mouth in that chinese factory? It's still Star Wars.. Nothing is hidden anymore.


Jun 1, 2012
Nope. They didn't have it ready at all. They had no clue. When they saw how it was taking off, they rushed into production, but were only able to do tees, and socks. It took months for them to even have something as cost efficient as a plush doll. Usually, the surprise merch hits right after the reveal, meaning it would've been in production 3-4 months prior.
You serious??? They had no clue???:mjlol:

Grogu was clearly made to be sold. You really believe DISNEY was unprepared to sell some cute shyt?

These days you gotta go above and beyond to keep your shyt from leaking, and you STILL might fail.

They had to have treated Luke like a CIA operation for that shyt to stay secret:mjlol: