Yes, talking to Kelly. And Kelly and Layla are friends.
Hos hang with hos.
I never get why wrestling fans are so surprised when their precious diva with the cute ass is getting fukked by everyone on the roster. You see what they do every week on TV.
They are good looking, but let a ho be a ho.
That's why this thread is called the Ls of Matt Hardy.
He knows what wrestling is...yet he's been simping after the same woman for over ten years, (counting the whole time he had her living in his house) meanwhile, she can take his money, fukk his best friend, call him up for more money, make fun of him in an interview, but he still gets online and cries about how much he loves her.
If those women travel together and hang together, you best believe they all get down and dirty the same way.
Punk's not a fool, he knows how this works.