Crazy how ego ruins lives. Folks think they have the world going for them when they young but get reality checks and regrets when they turn old. All that shoulda, couldnt, woulda, didnt.
Back in my teens, older folks who used to run wild, doing whatever they wanted and etc but got caught up would tell younger people like me to not do what they did or it was okay to be a square than to fukk your life up. I would often catch them on the bus going through the really bad parts of the hood looking like a third world destination where they would be coming out of rehab, just released out of jail or prison and boy, did you see it on them. It was like

, hell naw.
Nowadays that's more realer than ever. You don't got to be living some fancy millionaire life to be winning in life. If you have your health, surviving, managing out here, have your mind with you and etc, youre good. Count your blessings because somewhere tonight, there's someone who is in the hospital fukked up, someone who made a mistake whether it's trying to get off some hard drugs, pills they are addicted to but can't quit, living with some disease they contracted, crying themselves to sleep in prison with 30 years and some time they gonna die doing hanging over their head, or worse. My life isn't perfect but I'll take it over what other people are living with. Theyd steal mine for theirs.