Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Apr 18, 2013
On some real shyt though @Elle Driver don’t develop an addiction or fukk up your body’s tolerance on those sleeping pills. I know frfr. You probably living too loud.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
On some real shyt though @Elle Driver don’t develop an addiction or fukk up your body’s tolerance on those sleeping pills. I know frfr. You probably living too loud.

I take them sparingly.

Oh shyt for real? Your husband alright or y’all divorced?
Divorced? :what:
Fred and Martha is what some posters use to close their posts. People really thought I got hacked because I started using the closing.

Who used to close wit Martha?


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
Oh yeah shout outs to @Tenchi® Ryu™

Frozen oranges are delicious. We done it yesterday at work. We used the Zostavax (we dont use this freezer anymore as we don't give this vaccine anymore) freezer to make some.

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
I see you @The M.I.C.

Create a problem and be the solution.



All in her face like an angry coach
Servin' her potions and antidotes



Jun 11, 2012
Hipsters have RUINED the arts (rant).

Say as much as yall want about lipstick alley but sometimes they call out the bullshyt that's going on nowadays.

What's with this proliferation of "artists" going on in the cities thats been peaking? I swear it's like the same six trends usually centered around hipsters or what they calling them now yuccies. :francis: you damn well know that if everyone over in such and such city is trying to be an artist that a good portion, maybe 90% of them are frauding it up. There may be 10 percent of them that been doing that shyt before it was cool and even fewer that are good at that shyt. Either way, I find it hard to believe that an artist would have to prove they are an artist where they would do a whole lot of ring of fire jumping to validate themselves. If it's in you, it'll show. It actually is insulting to see all these people want to do that shyt like it makes it seem like it's easier than what it is. Like art is something that anybody can do.

And yeah, let's be real here. It's just like rappers. There are talented rappers that do it because they love the culture, they have talent, it's in their heart and etc and there's people that just rap to be cool, because it's a hustle or for reasons that are to their own benefit where they don't give a fukk about it.

Speaking as someone who is as I'm starting to accept is artistically inclined as i literally tried to rid myself clean of it back in high school well into my adult years only for it to smack me in the first when people whos been in my life since birth and even remerged from my foundation years have reminded me that person back then is still me... I find it a bit hard to stomach someone else trying to shoot into a lane that I was born into for clout or to be cool in whatever circle or social media. It was corny to be an artist at least growing up. The jock got love. The nerd got love but the artist was like :patrice::whoa: nobody wanted to be that shyt. They viewed the artist as a weirdo and yeah, that's the treatment I got back then. Top it off to being bullied outside of school, not being athletic, into sports, and etc, I grew up to have poor self esteem, little to no confidence and etc. The k to 8 school I went to was pretty small so the social isolation was enough to make me give that shyt up by the time I was doing my 4 years in high school. When I realized that i may have been gay at 12, i most definitely made it a point to change. I wasn't trying to get myself fukked up after turning 13. After freshman year, I was like.... fukk it but as they say, you can't change what's in you so...

Come to find out the very same type of people who would be looking down at me for being me back in the day even repping what i was repping as a kid and my early teen years wanna do the same thing now for cool points as adults. :shaq2: I can't applaud that shyt. That shyt is beyond wack. In fact, it makes me realize that there was never anything wrong with me to begin with so why did I even bother listening to all the people around me as a kid trying to steer me into other lanes making me feel I wasn't good enough. My mom always seemed to know that I was an artist even when I quit on that shyt where she always would buy drawing pads and pencils for me at my birthday and Christmas. It's true what they say mothers know best. She's always encouraged me to get into the arts, she knows her son. I'm my mother's son.

I guess it's also true what they say everything becomes clearer as time goes by. I never used to see it or whatever but now it makes sense.
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