Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Nov 23, 2016
So my mother sent me a mini video of me speaking at my grandfather's funeral when I was 8+ years old. :dwillhuh:

Mom: "You look Sooo cute and innocent in your tuxedo suit. All cute and your voice was tiny. So cuute"

Me: Mom.... :beli:

Mother's I tell you. :skip:


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Allow me.

Really no sort of masculinity makes much logical sense at all because in general the primary function of masculinity (or femininity) is to differentiate men from women, on behavioral differences, some of that cannot be accurately delineated by science as being solely characteristic of either sex. One of the major limitations of masculinity, despite being justified from many angles, even for the distinctions among men, is that it ignores the complexity of individuality and characteristic brain physiology. At best such a dichotomous delineation (masculinity & femininity) should be considered archaic and an over-simplification of human diversity and heterogeneity. In other words, a false dichotomy.

Class dismissed.:laugh:
Masculine and feminine doesn't just pertain to people. Words and electronics are masculine and feminine.

Masculinity is active, penetrating, offensive. Femininity is reactive, receptive, and defensive. Males and females (sex) are the physical embodiment if these principles. Males having penises to penetrate. Females having vaginas to recieve.

Western society and it's love of extreme binaries, think that Men (gender) should be the all encompassing representation of masculinity, and Women/femininity. Not realizing that it is a spectrum.

Man and women both contain varying proportions of the two energies.

Mojo Jojo Morpheus

Dap Distributor
Dec 8, 2016
Where it's hotter & wetter
How did the rhetoric that black men are coddled start? I thought the person who had been abused by her Asian partner was the first and the last but I'm actually seeing more black women on social media saying it, using the term "coddle" specifically.

Shouldn't those so called black people that talk about black unity be protecting each other? Why undermine someone else's struggle because of their own? And shouldn't the opposite sex be more understanding of each other since neither will EVER know what it's like to be their opposite gender?
It's a spin-off of the "toxic--masculinity" concept.
I touched on it in general in another thread.
I see a lot of brehs in here seem to think the term "toxic masculinity" originated with Black internet feminists.
But you're wrong.
This is where y'all show how little y'all travel outside your own ideological circles.
That concept, like many of the other members of the parade of horribles that is contemporary slacktivism, was born in the halls of academia.
George Orwell once said, "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals could believe them."
In his case, he was talking about communism.
But the intellectual think tank that is collegiate Women's Studies, has proven to be just as pernicious a carbuncle on the ass of American intellectualism.
Spurred on by the first 2 waves of feminism, academics scrambled to produce studies and "critical theories" to support feminist ideology.
I won't go into the why, that's an even lengthier conversation that I don't want to cover here,
Put briefly, approx. 4 decades ago colleges all across the West started to become factories for feminist thought and theory.
And since feminism is primarily concerned with destabilizing the straight CAC man and his society so that CAC women can wrestle power from them, this meant much of this "intellectualism" was focused on demonizing and vilifying straight CAC men.

Since Black feminism is primarily just a copypasta of CACette feminism, they used all that terminology and theories they developed to slander CACs on the straight Black man.
That is what y'all are seeing on the internet now.
Regurgitated CAC feminist talking points dumbed down even further to meet a 140 character limit. :snoop:
Now relating that to the specific instances you're referring to here, it goes back to there being a general lack of understanding regarding the social dynamics of power.
Societies are organized into systems which allocate power to certain individuals or groups.
In order to maintain the integrity of said society, it is then necessary to socialize its members in a fashion which prepares them to adopt their requisite roles within the society.
Black women who are saying that Black men are "coddled" are doing so without truly applying the wider lenses of social context, history, evolutionary biology, sociology, etc. etc.
It is true, within an extremely narrow and limited context.
But present that as a universal truth to people who don't share that experience and you get the confusion and incredulity that you experienced.


Jan 9, 2016
