I got hit on by a dude in the grocery store yesterday

Dude hit me with some do I know you from somewhere, your face looks familiar. I thought it was on some casual mistaken case of identity so it wasn't a big deal, then he got to talking about how he's a entrepreneur and went to college here and there and really thought I looked familiar. Again nothing to strange yet, reg ole convo...He asked if I did any kinda of work on the side. Pause, that should have been red flag number one. But you know whatever, dude wasn't giving off any weird gay vibes. Then he was like well you know we should link up I don't have my card on me put I have this pen and paper "maybe I could get your number".... Still at this point I'm not thinking dude is spitting game. It hasn't even entered my mind, dude seems professional and networking is really popping down here. Its all about who you know.
Then he drops the "yeah maybe we can hook and talk about things over
dinner" as the convo ends with the random gay eyes.
In my head I was like man you got to be kidding me, dis nikka dun ran some smooth game on nikka. I couldn't even be mad at that point.... I guess you got me
I guess that's how these ladies feel out chea sometimes.