Basically this
Social media NEEDS to have people that may be not as good looking, not as much money etc so they can get off on percieivng themselves as better than
Like he said in the clip. "I'm the bad guy. So what does that make you. Good? No you just know how to hide it"
People criticise everything on social media. Parenting, looks etc
Does that make those people good parents? No
Does that make them not broke? No
Does that make them not ugly? No
But social media NEEDS someone to play the villain, bad guy, less fortunate role so people can hide and mitigate their own insecurities and shortcomings and feel better about their lives and day
I love this syndrome. Bookmarked.:obamaaa:
I see that too. It's sad how people do that. I'll never understand that mentally. I feel like I'm only human just like everybody else. Just like when me and @reserveone was talking about how people think famous people don't do nothing wrong is only because they never see them do wrong, especially when all I see is a person who knows how to act or make music, or another talent. That's it.Really this thread suffers from the Tony Montana syndrome too. Just my opinion