- We are going on a bike ride together.
That's so white of us.
-This morning I went riding and a hornet/wasp or something with stinger flew into my eye, well under my eye. I can see but the area under neath is swollen and it hurts. That's why I don't exercise. Never got hurt sitting on the couch doing nothing.
-If I leave out of the house empty handed to check the mail and return empty handed, why would you ask "We didn't get any mail". Sure we did, it's sitting invisible in my hands.

-This morning I went riding and a hornet/wasp or something with stinger flew into my eye, well under my eye. I can see but the area under neath is swollen and it hurts. That's why I don't exercise. Never got hurt sitting on the couch doing nothing.
-If I leave out of the house empty handed to check the mail and return empty handed, why would you ask "We didn't get any mail". Sure we did, it's sitting invisible in my hands.
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