I don't think black people are the main obstacle to the progress of black people.
Black people in the US have many obstacles to get over. It breaks my heart to read about us harming each other because we've been hurt enough.
Pride is the answer I think. I have pride in myself so I am proud of people who look like me. That pride has taught me self-respect, it's given me respect, respect for people who look like me.
Understanding how our community was attacked has helped me reverse engineer a defense.
They took our culture, so I study and exalt our culture. They took our language and I now speak our language to our people. They took our history from us so I study us. They sold, imprisoned, and dehumanized our families in an attempt to destroy the black family. I see every black person as my family.
We're going to be okay, we just got to know our enemy and stay together no matter what.
I love you. I appreciate you and you're beautiful. Black and beautiful.