Some people just aren't good managers. Like in my office, I'm "2nd in command," hell 2nd is in my job title. But anyways, I work fast, which in turn gives me a lot of time to browse The Coli, read some articles, and BS. My coworker is not really my boss, but she's the lead in the office and always gotta make some cheap ass remark about me not doing my work. Like I ain't knock out my work AND some shyt you supposed to do while you were on YBF or lookin up houses or some shyt. shyt irks me.
Mufukas try to question what I don't do, but don't look at the work I do put in. I know shyt wouldn't be smooth in this office if I didn't my job. Every job I've ever had, I've taken on the responsibilities of other people. Knowing that shyt, can't nobody talk down on my work ethic, or me when I'm chillin reading an article or something. I use the responsibility thing as barometer, if I'm not given an increased workload/responibitlies, promotion, or raise, I ain't doing something right.
Just needed to let the negativity out...