The smallest things get to me. I drove my niece and nephews home tonight and as we were driving down the street they played a little game where they would say "Merry Christmas" as a car passed by. I don't know; hearing that innocence......the little stuff that entertains them......the happiness despite all they go through. I teared up. So, anywhoodles, we drove along some more and I stopped at a light by their house. They verbally expressed their distaste for going home to each other. I dropped them off and as they were getting their stuff out of the trunk I just wept silently. I hate their mother. My mom called her while they were over here because one of them didn't have their inhaler. Their mom got so disgruntled she said, "I can't wait until their 18!" Dropping them off to that fat piece of shyt really hurt me. My brother is really no better though. They deserve better parents.