If someone interrupts my greeting or rushes me I know I've lost the call at that point because I completely disengage. If you rush me I'll you to either have patience or call back. I don't care if you're at the scene, I'm trying to help you. CACs are good for that, especially when they need a tow. No claim, no tow. So you don't wanna do this, get the police to call for you and we'll review for reimbursement. And the greeting thing, yeah, it's annoying but I can get a call downgrade if I don't say it so if you interrupt me I'm just going to do what I'm supposed to do, not what I can do.
Adjusters from small insurance companies can be rude. Especially when they need to be paid. I'll read out the demands vs. what we'll actually pay out for subro (recovery of money from one insurance co. to another) and they'll get mad if we don't approve the whole demand. "Why aren't you paying this?!" *Reads off reasons* "Okay, well who determined this?!" "The Internal Auto Damage Adjuster." Well transfer me to them!" "No." "Well, what are guys going to do about it, it was your insured who hit our insured!" "Take it to arb (arbitration), have a good afternoon."