@Still Ill FC change your avi or we got beef 

Is there a smiley request thread. I sent you three but I've thought of 20 more since then@Nutritious Quata' Water
Imma get yall your smilies. Been doing most of my posting on mobile. Two jobs will do that![]()
Is there a smiley request thread. I sent you three but I've thought of 20 more since then
When you can't take any blood thinners even tho you're in pain![]()
Umm no boo boo, you couldn't deliver my request cause you work like 10 jobs. & that's cool & but I can always find someone who can deliver.Nah, B. If I do that, @Milk N Cookies gonna spam it with chopped cartoons she wants smilied. If I was getting something in return, I would make it happen.
Im a perfectionist with the smiley shyt, so it takes me longer cause I like it a certain way, or they look like :wangfansonly:blurry with some color from the background still on it.
I'm out the smiley game until reps return:letyasoulglow: