Trust me when i say this. The gay community gonna have its own me too/exposure season coming very soon since so many people within it wanna play dirty and act self righteous like their shyt doesnt stink talking about the rest of the world, playing the victim card.

either own up to your bullshyt or the world gonna see it where all yall gonna get judged by everybody and the shyt youre trying to cover up. A lot of heads are going to be rolling down the hillside and its going to be too late for folks to redeem themselves when its all said and done.
Dont play that throw your rocks and hiding your hands shyt. Dont worry, its coming and we gonna see how brave some of you "kweens" really are.

anybody can get it and yall are no exception. Im just gonna sit back and watch.
It was going to happen years ago but it got delayed until folks got shyt corrected. But apparently, folks didnt right those wrongs and clean house so whats coming is going to come. I have nothing to do with that shyt.