Been taking it in the morning. The surging adderrall like energy has mostly subsided, and that’s the strange thing I do get tired at night, I don’t feel super energized right before bed and can fall asleep quite easily but its like once I hit REM sleep I wake up with strange thoughts and an energized brain, then have to take a Xanax to get back to sleep. I have been walking around my neighborhood and trying to workout more because previously I wasn’t at all. I really enjoyed the walk but then of course it’s been raining for the past two days.
I’ll follow you, but I probably won’t watch anything. Maybe like the first couple. I’ll promote that hoe though!!! Tell my 3 followers on Twitter and everything.
If I made a YouTube channel, would the Coli brehs subscribe? It would be about gardening? Birding? Cooking?
I just want at least 100 followers ... not 100k , just 100
Did you quit weed at the same you started the meds? The dreaming part sounds like weed withdrawal too, that’s why I asked.
Try taking it at night and see what happens. Maybe a lower dosage?
I listen to stuff like this from time to time to help fall asleep. I feel it works, but it could be a placebo effect. Just trying to think of solutions. Not being able to sleep, sucks.
The outrage of receiving an “overnight” pad rather than a regular during an emergency moment - walking around feeling like a damn diaper. They argue about any and everything on Twitter
This is the kind the hospital loaded up my “welcome baby” gift basket with when they release you. My nurse was like- here just take the whole box. My take home bag was heavier than the baby
Load up on diapers and milk every time the shift changes
@Boujee Bonita Braxton you taking notes ? How are you and baby and Ms. I took a poop doing?