Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
Yes I can tell you overthink things. It’s okay. I do to. If you want to make connections just talk to people. Do your best to listen. If y’all click then cool, if not, then cool. It’s no big deal just breathe and those nerves will subside. You’ll realize you were nervous for no reason.

Hanging with coworkers is cool. You just have to remember don’t be too thirsty with and around your coworkers because reputation is everything. Even if you don’t care what others think, reputation can help you get what you want.

As far as going to a bar that’s not really my scene, I’m good at picking up ladies from university and work. But it can’t be too much different than just walking up to a woman asking her a couple questions and her name. Just let it flow. And here’s a tip: focusing on the end goal can make you anxious and give off thirsty vibes. That’s why I told you you think too much about sex. If you just casually talk to women, don’t think of them as dikk receptacles, and don’t worry about taking their panties off, conversation will flow easier and women will want to talk to you heh.

Six degrees of separation is the theory that you’re only six steps/connections/people away from your end goal. That’s why trying to make as many acquaintances as possible is important.
Yeah you're right


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Yooo I just had lunch and I am stuffed!!!:wow::deadmanny:



Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
The Meaning of a Red Cardinal Sighting
By LJ Innes

The Meaning of a Red Cardinal Sighting
With a red cardinal sighting, it’s almost insistently trying to gain your attention, it’s likely you’re receiving a message from a spirit. Messages from a spirit can come in many forms, but the red cardinal has long been held as the most notable spiritual messenger. Male cardinals are certainly hard to ignore with their striking red feathers and melodic yet almost “pay-attention-to-me” chirps.

What does the red cardinal know that you don’t? Read with a life path psychic and find out!

A Spiritual Messenger

The notion that cardinals are messengers of spirit exists across many cultures and beliefs. As a result, many things have the designation of “cardinal.” They include cardinal colors, cardinal directions, and cardinal angels. A cardinal designation signifies importance.

The word cardinal comes from the Latin word cardo, meaning hinge or axis. Like a door’s hinge, the cardinal is the hinge on the doorway between Earth and Spirit. They carry messages back and forth.

Many myths and traditions surrounding the cardinal have to do with renewal, good health, happy relationships, monogamy, and protection. Looking at the life of a cardinal, it’s easy to see why it has so many good associations. For example, cardinals mate for life. Also, they are non-migratory birds so they remain in their immediate area all their lives, protecting their turf. And after the couple gives birth, both parents work together to assure the health, welfare, and security of their family unit.

If you believe that cardinals are messengers from Spirit, then the next time you see one who is insisting on getting your attention, ask yourself these questions: What or who were you thinking of at that moment? Did you ask for guidance from Spirit or ask for help finding the answer to an important question? Allow your cardinal sightings to bring you a feeling of peace. Know that Spirit is listening. Let red cardinal visits remind you that Spirit always guides and protects you. Above all, don’t forget to thank your cardinal friends and Spirit for their guidance.
Visits from the Other Side

If a deceased loved one wants you to know that they’re around, they might send messengers from the animal kingdom: small, brightly-colored bugs, birds, and butterflies are not an uncommon choice. Things with wings tend to get our attention, and if you allow yourself to tune in, you might even know who has sent them. Their message could be a simple acknowledgment that your loved ones are always around. If you’re asking the universe for guidance, seeing a cardinal tells you that Spirit is hearing you and guiding you too.

Native American Culture and Shamanism

Many Native American tribes tell stories and hold beliefs surrounding the cardinal (often called, the “red bird”) and a red cardinal sighting. In Cherokee creation stories, the first red bird is the daughter of the Sun itself. This gives the red cardinal a feminine connection, even though males are the more colorful of the two. The Choctaw people believe that the cardinal is an omen regarding relationships. If you’re single, it could be a sign that your status is about to change. If your relationship is in trouble, the cardinal may be a warning that things need to change. Some Native American cultures believe that cardinals help them predict changes in the weather, serve as watchers and guardians, and still, others look to red cardinal sightings as a sign of what direction to travel or follow. Some also believe that red is the color of protection from enemies and illness.

No matter the story, belief or tradition, it’s certainly clear that a red cardinal sighting plays an important role in Native American heritage. In their practice, Native American shamans utilize the medicine wheel. The basic makeup of this medicine wheel includes the four sacred, or cardinal, directions: north, south, east, and west, and the four cardinal colors: red, blue, black and white. In the medicine wheel, red is the color of the East, the season of spring, and animals of flight, including the cardinal. That words spoken in the direction of the East are carried on wings and taken directly to Spirit.

Cardinal Angels

Four of the seven Archangels are Cardinal Angels. They are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. Cardinal Angels influence and inspire large groups, such as cultures and nations. This is very similar to the Native American belief that Spirit offers guidance, protection, and direction through messengers.

Red Cardinal Sightings

The red cardinal has played many prominent roles throughout our history. It continues to be an important part of our human experience. It bridges the gap between Earth and Spirit, and it also brings the wisdom of the universe to our doorsteps in a bright and beautiful way. All we have to do is pay attention.

Lil homie is posted in the same spot everyday when I pull in from work

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Hoes be out here doing all that tough talk
When they let some bum ass dude knock them up

Been ran thru

And miserable

Then they meet a nikka who shyt on point and try to talk like
They some prize u have to work towards :mjlol:

bytch if you don't take Yo old face mom body having ass and get the fukk out my gawt damm face :camby:


Aug 18, 2014
I can't believe I'm having a mini marathon of judge Judy on YouTube.

All I can say is, I see why she stayed on air for 20+ years.:ehh: