It's not an injury per se.... I haven't been back in the gym long but I've been faithful to 3 times a week, going on 4, and I already snapped my shoulder up again, but that's minor. This bicep tightness during t-bar and pull downs is fukking me up.
@Spliff get yo ass in here.
1. Ive discovered that today. I wasn't "activating" my back. I was literally pulling with biceps, finishing with back. Might be why after the first week, I didn't "feel" much in my back after back movements.Either (1) you're not pulling with your back muscles, (2) your grip is too narrow, forcing exaggerated amount of bicep involvement, or (3) your programming is poor, impairing recovery.
1. Ive discovered that today. I wasn't "activating" my back. I was literally pulling with biceps, finishing with back. Might be why after the first week, I didn't "feel" much in my back after back movements.
2. Noted.
3. Possibly. Doing 5x5(my own full-body program while I get back acclimated) 3 times a week. Seen gains in the month and a half ive been back, but bicep tendon tightness is a bytch. I literally have to stop those movements for 5 minutes.
Would get video of my form but thats not how its done in Harlem![]()
Just different lifts going probably 60% of my max, 10 second rest between sets, 2 minutes between exercises. For example today was:3) How different is your 5x5 from programs like Stronglifts and Start Strength?