Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Sorry that I haven't wrote in a while.

I believe I left off at hitting the prostitutes with my tios (the Spaniards call their friends this, it means uncle in Spanish, I miss those dudes) and the French Congo chick. It made me feel like future "I didn't want to fukk the bytch, but Molly made me do it".

So I took a train to Napoli, Italy from Sicily.

From there I got into a hostel, and chilled. The woman running the hostel is a fine Italian woman with tats and always says "okaaaaaaaaaaay", when she has to kick bums and take names, and she's went off on a few people, it's funny and cute.

I chill out there, eat some gelato, pizza, I'm addicted. I met this girl from New Zealand, we went and grabbed pizza. This was post me, meeting an African named Ali who sold me hash. Me getting giddy, going to my hostel, not being able to open my door, so me asking an Italian man with a fitted cap named Francesco, which ultimately led me to meeting his friend Luigi and us smoking and me freestyling for them.

That was cool.

Francesco opens the door and I offered to smoke him out then he pulled out some bud. Then his friend Luigi showed up and we smoked. It was the loudest I ever had. We smoked three joints whilst going to a bar, and drinking a couple of beers. Funny thing is the Napolitanos don't drink inside, but outside.

They were cool guys.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Next, I repeated my pattern, by walking to the place where Ali sold me hash because I wanted some more. I ended up sitting outside a bar to roll a few cigarettes and smoke them and people watch. There was this dude who was mentally ill, it was funny and interesting, his character that is. He was crazy but intelligent, in his mid 20s and only spoke Italian, but would say random English things like "how are you?". Anyway, I ended up meeting 3 men, one mid 30s, one early 30's and the last mid 50's. And the 50 year old man gave me hash and left. Us 3 smoked and then another guy showed up and we smoked, I think he's gay. Next day the last guy invites me to kick at the bar we all met at last night, so I go. He told me about Italy, we got pizza, smoked and had a beer. He kept trying to let me allow him to give me a ride on his moped. I was like heck no.

From there I went to Rome..

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Rome was okay, I smoked with a dude from north cal. I also chilled with some dude from LA, he was cool, Mexican cat. And an Aussie who had sailed from England to Greece because his friends dad asked him if he wanted to. That sounds sick. Then 2 odd Canadian girls made their way towards us and annoyed us. I visited the essentials. The Vatican, which the state church is beautiful. I met an older black couple from St. Louis, that was cool. But still I am in disappointment to not have seen any African American men or women traveling. Ok, but let move on. I saw the colloseum (sp?) And some other things. I am getting ready to move on, and so I hit that Turkish woman I've mentioned once upon a time ago. She says come Antalya, Turkey...

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
I bought my ticket, I'm out like lip with pout. Phone is dead in Istanbul but I muster up enough energy to call her and she instructs me on how about getting to my airbnb address. Airbnb is a site where you can pay a random person to stay in their crib. I arrive, go grab a Pepsi from a Burger King (this is trouble season, Tom Ford tuxedos for no reason) stand outside and talk to taxi drivers. One give me a run down on the cost and I hop in. I had the wrong address so I ended up not going to my airbnb but instead a random hotel. I check in, give the taxi driver 120 litras, Turkey's currency. Then I ask the hotel receptionist here I can get food and start walking. I ate at a place called Tost. They made Turkish paninis. Got back, I see light flashing which is revealing the hidden mountains. It turns out that it's lighting, beautiful. The receptionist told me that I got ripped off by the cab driver, but $1=3 litras.

Since this is the present situation I will write more.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
I sleep and the Turkish woman hits me up in the morning and comes over. She's 33 btw. You can imagine a moment but the next step was to meet her friend and go roll around. She had her daughter, who was 4. Super cute, she would talk to me in Turkish. We grabbed coffee at a place that sat on the coast and then ate. At the cafe she called my airbnb host and things were sorted.

We pull up and my airbnb hostess comes out (surprise mf's!). She's like :noah: we were people watching today and she asked me what I thought of her and I said in my beet Italian impression "Mamma Mia", hands to lips and all. I must mention, Italians do say "mamma mia" and it can make you feel so surreal.

So I get settled in and she leaves for work, she's a dance teacher and looks Sicilian. Comes back after work around 10 with 2 beers, one for each. We sat and spoke. Over the next days we began to talk more, but she always goes to her room. But we'll smoke cigarettes together.

4 days into it, she's making us breakfast and we're eating together (Justin Timberlake-Strawberry Bubble Gum). That same night we're making spaghetti together with French bread (or Turkish). And she brought a candle out. Oh I must say, I bought 2 bottles of wine, and we drank one spaghetti night and one the day before.

Warning, I'm listening to Justin Timberlake.

The next night (today) I go swimming, she seems to be having an attitude but I think it's just her type of personality, she can be feisty. And so I come back, shower and I'm listening to music and then I ask her if she still wants to go to the city center, last night she asked me if I wanted to go with her.

We catch the bus there and go to the mall. Met Americans from Florida too. And then we got food on the malls terrace on the 3rd floor. She left for a moment and went and got the dro, because she spoke to her plug last night so we could buy some. We ate, talked, smoked cigarettes and then left. I was making her laugh, she's telling me that she has antennas that are for finding me and stuff LOL. We walked and talked, I almost got hit by a car but she grabbed me LOL. But she got mad at me for an instance because she told me a story and I laughed, it was about her first time staying in Antalya because she's from Germany but is Turkish. But we squash it and I tell her to chill and we continue. I'm making her laugh again, stopping her from getting hit by careless moped drivers. That's when we sat and people watched and then hopped on the bus and went home. Stopped by the store so she could get snacks and then went home and smoked. She's always smiling and saying my name and then something in Turkish. Interesting fact is she wants to start her own school for dance and has written a book. She said something really sweet to me. She's like everybody was looking at you today. The Turkish people they see you, they're curious, but then they smile. It's like they feel your aura and know you're something special". That's one of those compliments that makes me feel it in my soul like Ether. Smoke, talked, smoked more. I threw on some R&B and Dom Kennedy and Justin Timberlake and we talked. And flirted and then it ended with her going to bed. We both clean up the house too and I'm doing dishes because she likes doing the dishwasher thing.

But this is my nature as a homemaker. If I am comfortable anywhere I adjust, I think.

The older Turkish woman on the other hand has been blowing my phone up to see me, but I'm ignoring it. She was trying to get me to chase her. And I cut her off immediately because I am in Turkey to visit her, first of all.

But I am having, this is fun. Okaaaaaaaay!


Dec 9, 2012
Sorry that I haven't wrote in a while.

I believe I left off at hitting the prostitutes with my tios (the Spaniards call their friends this, it means uncle in Spanish, I miss those dudes) and the French Congo chick. It made me feel like future "I didn't want to fukk the bytch, but Molly made me do it".

So I took a train to Napoli, Italy from Sicily.

From there I got into a hostel, and chilled. The woman running the hostel is a fine Italian woman with tats and always says "okaaaaaaaaaaay", when she has to kick bums and take names, and she's went off on a few people, it's funny and cute.

I chill out there, eat some gelato, pizza, I'm addicted. I met this girl from New Zealand, we went and grabbed pizza. This was post me, meeting an African named Ali who sold me hash. Me getting giddy, going to my hostel, not being able to open my door, so me asking an Italian man with a fitted cap named Francesco, which ultimately led me to meeting his friend Luigi and us smoking and me freestyling for them.

That was cool.

Francesco opens the door and I offered to smoke him out then he pulled out some bud. Then his friend Luigi showed up and we smoked. It was the loudest I ever had. We smoked three joints whilst going to a bar, and drinking a couple of beers. Funny thing is the Napolitanos don't drink inside, but outside.

They were cool guys.
It sound like u having a really good time over there


May 9, 2012
When you're the youngest guy in a sports book by 30 years it makes you reasses what you're doing in life.

Red Rock Canyon and Lake Mead by the Hoover Dam is beautiful, so much more to do in Vegas than hit up the Strip

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
When you're the youngest guy in a sports book by 30 years it makes you reasses what you're doing in life.

Red Rock Canyon and Lake Mead by the Hoover Dam is beautiful, so much more to do in Vegas than hit up the Strip
Yeah stay off that strip man. Ish seems like a sewer covered in glitter

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Brady's song Angel in Disguise. Given what the song is about wouldn't it make sense if it was called devil in disguise?:lupe: