What does this mean?@BlackPearl The Empress The sun, the moon and venus congregate above you.
The Moon for the belly, the Sun for the head and the power of Venus for your left hand.
What does this mean?
Venus is the emblem of the goddess, symbolic of love and the essence of feminine power, it draws people forth..The morning star that's almost as luminous as the Moon, which is also a feminine..the signet of motherhood, the opening up of the womb, marriage.
The sun is a sign of rulership...a king's crown, cast in gold, was representative of the sun's (rays) awesome authority and power given to man. The sun gives healing and growth, charging the heart and the spine..the kundalini forces pulse.
The sceptre of the empress is dominant in her right hand..ruling alone, yours is situated to the left hand meaning someone is going to be holding it alongside you. The moon has power over the womb and domestic relationships and the sun staying on top of your head means that whomever this entity is they will help further increase your strength and standing...you chose your name well ironically.