A male coli poster just asked me why I need a girl to relax.
LOL! I don't know where to start.
I'm about 30 years of age. These young men now are weird to me. When I was young all me and my boys did was try to hang out with girls and get money. When we figured out how to do those things we did them. We eventually grew apart because we grew up and didn't have time to hang out because we were getting money and girls.
Every man should be the ruler of his world and space. The only people he should be around are his girl, his family and his associates. It's odd to me when dudes be around hella dudes and don't get no girls or money. Every guy I respect in my life and have modeled myself after is a boss. We don't ever chill unless it's with a girl. These dudes is relaxing with their competition and they wonder why they lose to guys like me.
They will always lose to guys like me because I am always peeping game and trying to win. There's a reason girls like hustlers. We put down childish things early.
I remember knowing I wanted to be the plug in the 4th grade. I was watching recess and I saw Hustler Kid. My friends and I were always trying to get some money. We stole the year books my school printed before they sold them and sold them at a cheaper price. We sold alcohol at parties, we were djs, we sold weed, we sold homework, and one point we had a protection agency.
We even tried to pimp some hoes but we couldn't figure out how it worked, hahaha. Everyone one of us has succeeded in whatever we pursued. It's no surprise girls are not a problem.