I remember getting this cassette for my 15th birthday which was some weeks after 911. That and ready to die. Ready to die was okay but this shyt was better. I played it regularly until my older brother borrow my shyt without permission and ended up getting his tape player stolen with my tape inside.

I was livid.
The only thing that came good out of it was I eventually got the cd some months later where I heard north star which was

. I was late when it came to wu but I actually brought wallabee Clarks and was wearing my older brothers played out wu wear hoodie in the 10th grade.

I tried to get the G hat like what Rae had on in the glaciers of ice video and tried to get a part in hair thinking I was cool. I got clowned in my 10th physics class because of that shyt but that goes to show how much of a fan I was then. I was late but I had an excuse. I was only 8/9 years old back in 1994 and 1995. My parents were trying to shelter me because of the world that was around me. Obviously seeing how young black males were falling through the cracks and how we became bystanders to the crazy shyt in the 80s and 90s, they were trying to protect us. When I became a teen, I wanted to get involved with that shyt somewhat and luckily I didn't. I was around enough people at the time which were involved in that shyt and I guess from the way I carried myself upon meeting them, they vouched for me on it without me having to prove anything. But after a few close calls, I tried to change my tune before I got stuck in that wannabe thug life, billy badass phase. I didnt understand it at first but now i get it. Thanks mom and dad. Yall saved us.