THis probably deserves its own thread but i'm gonna keep it random
So apparently ive been miscategorizing transgender people and now someone (3rd party) got their panties in a knot over it.
I got a text message last nitght that has me laughing my ass off. THis brawd i know got her panties all up in a knot because i "offended" her transgender friend while we were at a house party last week. I decided to cool off before fire back my response back and wound up falling asleep.
Background story: One of my friends is always acting like she takes the cause of the LGBTQ...XYZ
(however many letters they wanna add) way too personal/serious. Even more serious than that community themselves sometimes. You cant say nothing bad or even make a simple remark about gays, lesbians etc around her.
I get shes a bit sensitive because her younger sister is "Queer" and they are very close and all but shyt, woman calm the fukk down.
TO bhonest i never paid attention to that community like that. Anyway I always thought when people say "transgender woman" they meant a woman (by birth) who's transitioning/ed to become a man. Apparently i had it backward. It's "transgender" + Whatever they wish to be. Not what they were physically born as. So Transgender "woman" is actually a man (by birth) whos become a woman.
Apparently it's offensive if you get it mixed up which is what I did. But neither you or that fukka even corrected me so why you steaming all the sudden?

Anyway me and homegirl (my friend) already had a bit f a history over this topic. She claims me being from a super homophobic culture (Caribbean) somehow makes me "homophobic by nature" without knowing it even tho I act "civilized around gay people"
Had me like

Once she even once got mad at me at a party for playing Buju's Boom ByeBye track while her gayboy neighbors (at the time) were there. I was like my fault i didnt know them cats were gay. THey probably didnt t even know they were there. Not like they know what the song meant anyway.