i have to wonder why someone from the other end of the world who has never met me before a day in their life and only through social media seems so adamant about contacting me regularly enough to say hi, check up on me and want to hold a convo with me though it's through what's up. i feel very flattered that someone actually gives a fukk enough about me to do that.

and them and me are just friends. we aren't dating. they are straight and i am gay though they don't know that i'm gay because i haven't told them yet. i do remember that they do have a motive to why they were contacting me in the first place such as how they can get a green card to america or something.
all that just makes me wonder about all the people in my life that can't even say hello but to be trill, i myself don't do that to my peoples either. it's not a thing for me to lay low and completely fall back from everyone except for the few who i can't avoid contact with such as my parents because i live in the same spot as them.
i'm appreciative though. i honestly think some people legitimately have some serious ego issues if they think that it's the world's job to acknowledge them when that shyt is a privilege. social media is making people forget that no one aside from themselves is responsible for maintaining their own self esteem and happiness. it's no one's job to like them or to follow them. that's on them.