I've told this story twice and I feel like telling it again in the form of a long tumblr/blog post with more detail (
@Prima Donna *hint hint*)
Story starts after this line:
"Trade Places by A. Blackman (So subtle

IIRC the current term is "trade", I do know older LGBTs would've called me a "Banjee Boy",
Either way for those who don't know what I'm talmbout, a trade/banjee boy is basically an openly gay/bi nikka that isn't campy or, well,
Of course I'm not the most masculine man around, but you wouldn't catch me wearing feminine clothing or attending pride unless I was doing a noise show (never had much of a reason to go against social norms so outwardly, but that's another story).
I always knew I played for both teams since I was a kid but this chain of events prolly started me wearing that banjee boy badge with relative pride.
A few years ago in my junior year of HS my early schedule made it so that i'd have the lunch block my friends didn't, making me eat alone at an empty table.
It was another average lunch day, eating reheated school lunch garbage and reading Ichi the Killer to pass the time. Good ol monotony.
Out of the blue this guy comes up to me and asks, "Can I sit here?"
I looked up and said, "Yeah

Man sat directly across from me in a table with 6 other empty seats

After my initial shock, I just brushed it off as me overthinking shyt and went back to reading my violent, Japanese porn cartoon until lunch ended.
The next day, the same guy came back and we started talking,
Long time in my life short, we became fast friends, and why wouldn't we?
Both of us were into hipster trash music, had a cringy obsession with the 90s and other geeky shyt.
Soon after that it was time for schedule changes and to my pleasant surprise we had a few classes together and started hanging outside of school.
Few months later we were chatting on kik and somehow, the convo switched to this:
Him- I like you
Me- Pardon?
Him- Oh shyt no, sorry man, I meant to send it to a girl

Me- S'all good mane

Him- No wait, I lie, I really like you

Me- Stop playing nikka

Him- I'm not...
After that the man was gassing me up heavy, despite me being a loose whore now (and proud

), young
@Black Cobain was a total basic bytch
Even though I wasn't really feeling it, I said to myself, "You can't experiment in college if you're not going to college" and told him I liked him too
The day after that I actually had butterflies in my stomach, maybe this could work out, I said to my naive, innocent self, we were cool as friends, we'd be even cooler as boyfriends (

We were on an even block schedule so we didn't have class together but we shared lunch and agreed to meet then, time moved slower than..than a lobotomised zionist
Lunch came, and since there were too many people around, we just shook hands and as I was about to go to the lunch line, he stopped me and said, "I got you covered

nikka pulled out a box of donuts
Now, nicer people would call me a teddy bear, but bluntly, I'm a fat nikka and the way to a man's heart really is his stomach.
Each day he'd give me boxes of junk food, for nothing! However, a guy can only take so much pre-diabetes and by the third week or so, I couldn't handle it and I told him so,
"You don't have to give me all this food man, I already like you

He looked at me like

and then burst into a hearty laugh then finally had some bass in his voice, "Nah, I want you fatter, i'll get you something else if you don't like all this"
I blanked out for a second and said, "what you talking about

"I like chubby guys, I have a feeder fetish, the minute I saw you I thought you were cute, now I'm making you even cuter

I looked him dead in his eyes and said, "Leave me the fukk alone you weird ass god damn fakkit" and soon after that we stopped talking and I had a slight eating disorder for awhile
Now, like a lot of the other gays I knew in that school, he was pretty fruity and frankly, I just never was,
Maybe he helped trigger my embrace of being a straight "acting" bi male

- Meet guy
- He's into me
- Decide to try dating him
- I catch feelings but he's using me for his perverted fetish
- This makes me not like fruity nikkas, somehow