Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Nov 5, 2015
Was talking to one of my soldiers whose a teacher, extremely smart, and I was telling him about my conversation with my boss. I was telling him how I view BLM, because I understand it but don't support it and he asked me why. A Caucasian girl, who is very odd, polite spoken somewhat and also owns the gaming bar I love overheard as she was passing and said, "Because they're racist?"

It then became the coli minus swearing. They probably would have transitioned to berating each other had she not had to leave to continue her errand but man :whew:

He's very pro black and his rebuttal at her first remark was that "It's not racist. You can't be racist when you have no power. It can be prejudice but not racist."

They went on for a bit and she said, "So you're saying black people are inferior?"

Like "so by that logic you just insulted black people" but while we both simply didn't just go


He then asked her if she believed that racism existed. She of course said yes and that she hated racist so then I included that black people are considered inferior because of :mjpls: and they kinda berated each other passively. Before we could get into white supremacy she left and of course he and I acknowledged that we wasted our breath just now and I continued to tell him about my conversation with my boss. He suggested I tell him about the "war on drugs".