Follow me to the truth
In this Ethiopian restaurant eating Ethiopian food and watching fútbol. This shyt good.
I quit smoking and drinking in September. When I ran out I deleted weed man's number and stopped hangin with the homies. Wrote down a plan for my next three years. It took a few weeks but that dark cloud that I had had for 5 years started to fade. I feel so good now that I could never go back to weed or alcohol. You have to face whatever that's got you down.Smoking this loud depressed af![]()
woke up today and told myself that I'm not going to church anymore. It's a waste of time. Coffee, Bagel, and the News will now consume my Sunday Mornings
Are becoming "atheist" or you're just not feeling the whole group worship thing?
Friday was the the day I left the MSTA after spending nearly 11 years of my life serving. I should have left 2 yrs ago when I had doubts about not only the doctrine but the people within the temple that seems out of touch of what's practical in today's world, but I was afraid. I was afraid to leave as I felt I failed myself. My love for my people outweighs what's written. What we call each other shouldn't matter. Did I learn anything from joining the Temple? I learned a sense of government and political involvement coupled with a grasp on common laws and offering remedies for violations of our human rights. I learned how to appreciate the woman as she also too is the giver of life. I hate to say this, but I felt more sure of myself as a christian growing up than I did as a Moor. Also, I learned that within the temple, if you decide to grow, they will ostracize you not only from the temple, but from any communication. That's something our ppl need to learn to get rid of. Our different ideologies shouldn't cause us to hate one another. You are a black man like me. That's the only thing that should matter. I feel so liberated right now.