The Life and Times of Rozay Oro


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Neville even dared people to prove him wrong. That's the kind of confidence that makes you think twice about doubting him. No scammer would ever risk being exposed. But Neville fully believed in what he was talking about, because he lived it enough and had enough stories from his clients to know that what he's saying is truth.

Truth be told, the fact that manifestation is even possible is proof that this reality is a lot stranger than we think it is. If I can virtually manifest anything I want within reason, the implications behind that is really mind-blowing the more you think about it. And what we don't talk about is how this probably affects humanity as a whole. Celebrities are the best examples of it in action. And if they know how it works, and smaller YouTube channels know how it works... Then surely people high up on the food chain know about this, too. If most people knew this knowledge and actually used it well, imagine how different life would be.

And Neville (Josephy Murphy too) got all his game from a black man :myman:

Won't get too deep into theory in this thread but everything that has/can/will exist has a particular vibration. If you know how to tune into it (this is what feelings/emotions are for) the only thing between you and it, is momentum.

The law works with belief and ACTION. You’re not going to change your life sitting at home just hoping for the best.

Proper, graceful and inspired action is a consequence of laying the groundwork for beforehand. Lots of people are taking action, making lots of external effort but none to actually get their mind right or aligned to what they say they're trying to acomplish.

If OP's self concept is "i don't think I'll ever be rich" no amount of action will allow him to be rich. Even if he gets some money it'll likely dissapear (look at most lotto winners) because he didn't do the internal work. This is YOUR GAME, you make the fukking rules, including the ones that limit you or say you have to work hard/be deserving of this or that.



Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Who has experience with Law of Attraction?
I’m the black sheep of my family. I really have nothing.

-All these contacts and snapchat bytches but phone dry
-Bored of playing video games
-My rona quarantining will be done by Wednesday or Thursday depending how I’m feeling
-After I fell out with that fukk nikka, none of those other 4 friends text me
-Now I’m left with two solid friends but them nikkas live 40 mins away
-Despite having two bytches that fw me they ain’t local. One lives 40 mins away and another an hour away. Only got they # and not snap cause I know they hoes.
-Had a local decent lookin bytch that is married but was on my dikk heavy. Since I am Rozay Oro I eventually fukked that up.

I am desperate enough to try anything for a decent looking local bytch that fw me emotionally and mentally not just sex.

I want new friends. Yes I know I got to join bullshyt and have hobbies.

I just need a little help. I’m introverted and shy. Live in a cac town too.
Taking a break from social media and internet forums will solve all of your problems. :ld:


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Your thoughts are bound in language.

A powerful tool for computing.

A dangerous trap for the soul.

Good instructions are valuable. Mantras and sacred words have power.

But there's no "program" or "philosophy" that is key. Nor is there any that is complete unto itself.

"The Law of Attraction" is real. Karma. The general idea has been understood since the beginning.

But the thing we are pointing to is much heavier than merely influencing reality. We manifest reality.

Every move is subconsciously meticulously designed to create the exact outcome you have put yourself in.

Stars. Wealthy. Warlords. Bums.

You are exactly where you have fought your whole life to be. You lay every brick of your fortress of sorrow.

And just like you put yourself here. You can put yourself there. Brick by brick.
Breh, that is deep :wow:

Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012

Ive been trying to meditate more and more.. even trying some of the advice in this very thread (Master Key System).

Today was going great until I actually had to step out to pick up groceries.. and it was one thing after another and I was quick to anger.

Ive been trying this “manifesting” thing for a few months and idk… sometimes I don’t believe it’s working. With job, relationships, ex relationships, friendships, etc.

Honestly, last year was one of the most difficult years of my life personally and it made me angry and bitter. Bitter towards people, people I had love for/trusted/would do whatever I could if they really needed my help (not all my friends.. true ones. Just the ones I put around me at that time) and people turned they back on me left and right.

It was a hard year for me and things got better but immediately got worse. I had quit drinking and everything and saw positive improvements but found out some things and said “fukk it” and went back to old habits.

I was ready to kill a nikka a few months ago over delivering my food late af and then catching an attitude. Called him a fakkit with his girl standing there and told him to get out the car. That’s not who I was at one point

I haven’t drank in months but today I almost hit the bottle again, just out of anger. Drinking calms me down (I’m a happy drinker) but I have issues with my limits.

I’m trying any and everything to see a change and to change my vibrations.


If you fall off the horse, just get back on it. Stay positive and grats on your progress, at least you're identifying the areas in which you need to improve in and doing something about it.