If they enter point A and exit at point X without encountering infected despite being told that some were pushed underground and finding traces of a community that lived in those tunnels - we are then told that FEDRA allegedly made attempts to clear the tunnels - and then at point X an explosion happens and after a while infected come running out of a sinkhole then maybe those infected were at/closer to point X, no? - potentially driven/pushed there by said clearing out attempts
Is this poor media literacy or am I missing something? Why's this confusing for you breh and why does it need to be spelled out?
It also seems like the "horde" was actually on the move tunnelling through the ground. In last week's episode there was a scene where the "Resistance" leaders saw the ground collapsing in places, and covered it up. They're not just remaining in the pre-outbreak human tunnels, they're creating their own tunnels and moving around.
Anyway, as someone who never played the games, I do have what can be called a minor 'complaint'.
I can see one way that being a game adaptation slightly hurts this show. And that is that, (to me), the "Bloater" monsters make more sense as video game "End Boss" monsters than as monsters that fit in to the world that
the show has created.
In a video game, you need increasingly powerful monsters to fight to make the game more challenging as your characters weapons and skill increase. It's a standard video game 'trope', but it doesn't totally fit in the
show version of this story.
Why do the zombies need a giant physical "tank" monster that can give out huge physical damage? What purpose would it serve for a creature like that to evolve? Its kind of a soldier creature that would only serve a purpose if the fungus colonies were going to war with in equally matched force. But we're already seen that even the low level 'Infecteds' and 'Clickers' by themselves are overpowered when it comes to destroying human civilization.
In fact, to me, the concept of the 'networked' Infected zombies is much scarier than the Bloaters themselves. If they're an Infected hive mind, they're basically fast running earthbound Fungus Borg. My understanding is that the networking concept is original to the show.