That last battle of the DLC

I’m glad they showed us what Ellie had to do to save Joel. She was puttin in work.
So many muthafukkas, then clickers show up.
I think the game helped me out because many times before I still had to fight the bandits no matter what and didn’t see any clickers. On my last attempt clickers came and I ran outta there, then all of a sudden all the bandits were gone.
Idk if they ran away or got eaten, but I finished the clickers and runners off with no probs and was done with it.
Great DLC. Great game overall. Really good story and everything was great overall. I put all this work in to save Joel, now I gotta deal with part 2.
My question is.... do they ever show the events on what happens to Ellie and Riley right after anywhere? is it in Part 2?
I’m going straight into Part 2. This is fun.