The Last of Us | PS3/PS4


Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang


Y'all mofos were acting too tight over that match my team included.
that shyt was pure scust :scust: remind me to nvr play yall again. Hiding in corners for 20 fukking minutes :hhh: aint nvr had the time run out before like that. Yall playin like there's money on the line :comeon: i'll be sure to avoid them gay ass matches from now on. I see what yall about now :francis:


May 18, 2012
that shyt was pure scust :scust: remind me to nvr play yall again. Hiding in corners for 20 fukking minutes :hhh: aint nvr had the time run out before like that. Yall playin like there's money on the line :comeon: i'll be sure to avoid them gay ass matches from now on. I see what yall about now :francis:

BREH you had a full team. Each matches we had a rando and the first one was on their own shyt giving yall free kills which really made it 4v3. I was also playing fair both matches, no purchasables, no shorty, no bytchass smoke bombs, I didn't even have covert on at one point.

But yo boy bstokes had full covert on was relying on bomb expert/smoke bomb combos to catch bodies, your team had healers and strat perks, but y'all had to whip out the launchers because y'all were having a hard time? :comeon:


Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang

BREH you had a full team. Each matches we had a rando and the first one was on their own shyt giving yall free kills which really made it 4v3. I was also playing fair both matches, no purchasables, no shorty, no bytchass smoke bombs, I didn't even have covert on at one point.

But yo boy bstokes had full covert on was relying on bomb expert/smoke bomb combos to catch bodies, your team had healers and strat perks, but y'all had to whip out the launchers because y'all were having a hard time? :comeon:

it was only me and stokes. We had two randoms that constantly ran to yall little camp spot and got yall the win single handedly even tho we were up with a minute and a half left. Stokes doesnt use bomb expert and never even bought it so you're wrong on that part as well. Meanwhile at least 2 of yall had shorty's and one had bomb expert. Had to use launchers just to bring yall out of the gay ass campsites yall were in. Running covert and hiding in corners for ppl to walk past and shiv them is pure scust. We came at yall the ENTIRE 2nd and first game for that matter. Like i said yall played like money was on the line and this shyt is free. Carry on tho. I wont sanction yall buffoonery anymore. I'd rather get blown out than play some camp shyt like that again. Truly disgusting :hhh:


May 18, 2012

it was only me and stokes. We had two randoms that constantly ran to yall little camp spot and got yall the win single handedly even tho we were up with a minute and a half left. Stokes doesnt use bomb expert and never even bought it so you're wrong on that part as well. Meanwhile at least 2 of yall had shorty's and one had bomb expert. Had to use launchers just to bring yall out of the gay ass campsites yall were in. Running covert and hiding in corners for ppl to walk past and shiv them is pure scust. We came at yall the ENTIRE 2nd and first game for that matter. Like i said yall played like money was on the line and this shyt is free. Carry on tho. I wont sanction yall buffoonery anymore. I'd rather get blown out than play some camp shyt like that again. Truly disgusting :hhh:


Alright then, breh.

Catch you in traffic for TLOU2. :spikeusalty:

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
I played it on easy to experience the story and get a lay of the game ...

I enjoyed once you get the high power guns you can slaughter all the clickers :russ:

And tunnel all the hunter

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
The hotel basement/generator level on grounded :damn: I had to pause the game before flipping the switch so I could get right mentally. Crazy intense. Grounded is by far the best way to expierence this imo, but I'm in agreement that it should be done after one or two playthroughs. I personally did Normal ---> Hard ---> Grounded. The game ensures that you never completely run out if ammo even though it's scarce and no listen mode ramped up the intensity. Half of the tension is gone when Joel is essentially Daredevil and can sense enemies through walls via vibrations two floors up.

I also like that ND handled the enemies appropriately. Its been almost two years since I last played but iirc, you can't take as much damage (two shots will kill you even with upgraded health) but the enemies also go down just as easy. They're not bullet sponges even though some runners take a few more hits in a melee scramble. Grounded never felt like an artificial increase in difficulty like many other games. It simply did what the namesake stated, and grounded the player in the setting: limited ammo, no supernatural senses, and realistic mortality. Conserve ammo, move quietly, excercise patience, and manage rescorces. It's not nearly that difficult if you put yourself in Joel's shoes while playing.
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2017
I know it's old, a GOTY winner and damn near GOTG candidate from last generation, but I only now just decided to cop it from Gamestop and give it go. I held off for so long because I hated Uncharted, thinking TLOU would be a reskinned version set in an apocalyptic setting. I was definitely wrong about that. Eschewing the pulp action of that series, this game is a somber and surprisingly poignant take on the end of the world trope, framing the choices you avail to survive as necessary evils rather than heroism. I just finished the Sam and Henry story.....:mjcry:

I won't lie, I felt that what happened (without spoiling it) was a cheap beat to push the story forward, almost minimizing the emotional impact of what occurred. But, I can't say I wouldn't do the same if that was me, that I would have the emotional wherewithal to absorb the pain and move on. To its credit,
questions like that speak to the game's emotional currency, its ability to provoke thoughts and feelings that linger well after the cutscene.

I'm only 1/3 through the game, but I will say that this is probably one of the best games I've played on the PS4. The other is Prey, another amazing title that anyone who adores emergent gameplay should immediately grab.

Last thoughts...If this EVER happened in real life, I would probably be a hunter. When the world ends, the line that separates morality and evil becomes far blurrier. :francis:
Oct 22, 2017
I know it's old, a GOTY winner and damn near GOTG candidate from last generation, but I only now just decided to cop it from Gamestop and give it go. I held off for so long because I hated Uncharted, thinking TLOU would be a reskinned version set in an apocalyptic setting. I was definitely wrong about that. Eschewing the pulp action of that series, this game is a somber and surprisingly poignant take on the end of the world trope, framing the choices you avail to survive as necessary evils rather than heroism. I just finished the Sam and Henry story.....:mjcry:

I won't lie, I felt that what happened (without spoiling it) was a cheap beat to push the story forward, almost minimizing the emotional impact of what occurred. But, I can't say I wouldn't do the same if that was me, that I would have the emotional wherewithal to absorb the pain and move on. To its credit,
questions like that speak to the game's emotional currency, its ability to provoke thoughts and feelings that linger well after the cutscene.

I'm only 1/3 through the game, but I will say that this is probably one of the best games I've played on the PS4. The other is Prey, another amazing title that anyone who adores emergent gameplay should immediately grab.

Last thoughts...If this EVER happened in real life, I would probably be a hunter. When the world ends, the line that separates morality and evil becomes far blurrier. :francis: