Ellie kills Abby and therefore either directly or indirectly kills Lev, which I think makes more sense for her story arc and makes the ending seem less of a huge cop out
Since I played as Abby for so long, I thought she was either going to die, giving players a certain effect beyond potential satisfaction due to loss of humanity, especially after playing as Abby with a child traveling along, or coming up with a clever way to let Abby live, like the Fat Gerald meme guy

imagine he caught both Abby and Ellie?
So many ways they could have went with that possibility as a twist for players missed opportunity in terms of creativity
This is the only change from the original draft and honestly I think the game wouldn't be as controversial if players got what they wanted by getting revenge, but with the twist being you play as the person you kill with a child coming along, only for you to do the darkest act in the end.
The random forgiveness towards the object of your greatest hate didn't make sense and I had to reframe everything and pay attention to detail for it to make sense and therefore not reduce the quality of the story for me. I was okay with everything going on until that blatant cop out ending. Without the necessary work, I agree the ending is trash and a huge cop out.
Otherwise, it makes sense but the game would have been more powerful showing revenge can be just as satisfying as forgiveness, but at what cost?, hence the constant cycles of violence we always see taking our humanity and the humanity of others for granted creating unbelievable suffering and destruction.
Joel would have definitely killed Abby, especially for his child, and the obvious being Ellie becoming like Joel but not liking it at all. She feels regret. That fukked up ending would be unbelievably dark and complete Ellie's character arc for Part 2, showing the darkest depths of her character, and the cost of revenge beyond satisfaction and being possessed by the satisfaction subsiding, allowing you to see the hell you placed yourself in when it's too late, like your humanity and therefore ability to be happy, for a redemption in Part 3 having lost her humanity like Joel, curse of kids becoming their parents. Way more powerful IMO and would make everything seem less of a drag. Neil should have stuck to his dark ending or came up with that Fat Gerald idea as a more clever way to let Abby live or lead to more clever outcomes involving Abby and Ellie (gladiator fight, now fight these zombies, now they are imprisoned, etc.)
Commercially, we'll see what the long term sales of this game are especially after the HBO show because even though I enjoyed the game, I also understand why people hate the game and I almost hated the game because of that dumb ass ending that is stupid from the perspective of revenge and forgiveness.
Neil, ND, and their investors from Sony with one investor from Sony being their only source of investment did not see the backlash coming, but we'll see if the 4 mill in a couple days is the maximum amount they have right now or if they haven't passed 6 mil. I think they were expecting 10+ mil in the first year and if they haven't hit that, I think that's why they're stuck on the 4 mil in 3 days figure
The most success seems to be in the US and some parts of Europe
The ending only makes sense in terms of Ellie saving her own humanity, showing forgiveness through forgiving yourself (she doesn't forgive Abby) can be just as satisfying as revenge
But showing revenge is just as satisfying as forgiveness would also be a nice twist and make more sense given the theme, even if predictable, because of the EFFECT of playing as the person you kill as well a child that came along with me, which is huge as Ellie already killed a pregnant woman. She could have seen a clear image of Joel, followed by continued PTSD memories of him along with now a dead child, Lev. So the ending both does and does not make sense based on how you frame it or how much you hate the game.

Anyone who hates Abby or this game?

I think it was more the ending than what happened to Joel even the Joel is the first big reason
At least TLOU1 ended, even if you didn't like it, as a natural conclusion to Joel's character development in Part 1
I think Neil should have stuck with the original ending as we never had the perspective of killing someone that you had a chance to play as along with the child that comes along with us, like a mirror of Joel and Ellie.
Part 1: surviving with Joel and Ellie
Part 2: the consequences of this survival which leads to loss and then revenge, killing a mirror of Joel and Ellie, where the people we survive as are killed by the main survivor from Part 1, and loses herself and doesn't resolve but exacerbates her PTSD due to the powerful drug of satisfaction through revenge.